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Ag Economics Farm Bills

  • Agricultural Adjustment Act

    Agricultural Adjustment Act
    The first ever Farm Bill, provided incentives for individual farmers not to over-produce, thereby seeking to stabilize the marketplace. The Agriculture Stabilization and Conservation Service was established in virtually every county in the nation to catalog our nation’s farmland, and work with farm families to increase productivity and take care of the land.
  • Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act of 1934 (RTA)

    Enables the President to fix tariff rates, has resulted in a liberal tariff stance for the US.
  • Agriculture & Food Act

    "To provide price and income protection for farmers, assure consumers an abundance of food and fiber at reasonable prices, continue food assistance to low-income households, and for other purposes." -Rice, peanuts, dairy, wool, wheat, cotton, feed grains, soybeans & sugar were the targeted food items for this amendment
  • Food, Agriculture, Conservation and Trade (FACT) Act

    Food, Agriculture, Conservation and Trade (FACT) Act
    Established a 5 year framework to combat the growing size and cost of government held stocks, this act adopted set-aside requirements in order to support farm prices. Set-aside requirements help to avoid accumulation of larger surplus stocks (which depresses prices) by constraining the annual production level of any single crop.
  • Agricultural Act of 2014

    Agricultural Act of 2014
    The current farm program legislation in place until 2018. Provided a new safety net for crop producers, includes new programs for specific livestock producers as well. This Act eliminated direct payments to crop producers through the ACRE program, and now requires that the PLC or ARC program be used.