Period: to
Imperialim Of Africa
Imperialism is an unequal human and territrial relationship, usaully in theform of an empire, based on the ideas of superiority and pratices of dominance, and involving the extension of authority and control of one state or people over another. -
Settlement of Jamestown
106 English Settlers landed in Virgina and settled there. THey were sponsored by the Virginia Company of London and by other investors who would make money of the supplies sent from Jamestown to London -
First Slave codes written in America
The first slave codes in America are written in 1659 by Virginia law makers stating All persons except negreos are to be provided with arms and ammunitions or to be fined at the pleasure of the govener and council. -
England gets in the slave trade
The newly restored King Charles II of England charters the 'Royal Adventures into Africa', the first ever state-sponsored slave trading company. -
Bacon's rebellion
Nathaniel Bacon the govener's cousin in law led a rebellion against the govener to have control over the goverment of Virginia. -
Stono Rebellion
The Stono Rebellion was a rebellion by escaped slaves that were promised freedom if the march to florida to goin the Spanish -
Bristish-Spanish War 0f 1739
A war in which help start up the stono rebellion and other small slave rebellions in the British colonies -
Start of American Revolution
Revolution broke out in American Colonies which will affect a whole generation of slaves. -
Dred Scott Case
holds that congress does not have the right to ban slavery in the states and, futhermore, that slaves are not citizens. -
John Brown Attacks South
John Brown and 21 followers capture the federal arsenal ant Harpers Ferry VA in an attampt to launch a slave revolt. -
Confederacy is formed
The Confederacy is founded when Deep South secedes, and the Cvil War begins -
Emancipation Proclamation
President Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamatio declaring "that all persons held as slaves" within the Cofederate states "are, and henceforward shall be free."