Ghana Empire
Ghana began in the 4th century and lasted until the 13th century. Ghana original name is Wagadu. The location of the Ghana is in western Sudan and the earliest empire known in the region and also occupies the rivers of Senegal and Niger. In 1240 AD Sundiata controlled Ghana. -
Hausa Empire
The starting dates of Hausa was somewhere between 500-700 AD and ended around 1800s. Hausa spread through present day Nigeria and Northwestern Niger. Its population was 15 million. The neighboring people of Hausa is Kanuri, Fulani, Akan, Songhay, and Yoruba people. -
Mar 30, 1000
Great Zimbabwe
Great Zimbabwe started in the 11th century and ended in the 15th century. Great Zimbabwe was located in Zimbabwe. Bantu-speaking people started the Great Zimbabwe. It had a population greater than 10,000 people. -
Mar 30, 1340
Songhai Empire
The empire of Songhai started in 1340 and lasted until 1591.The capital of this empire was Gao. The base of power and control is in now present day Niger and Burkina Faso. Like the Mali, the Songhai stretches to the Atlantic Ocean and follows the Niger River and spreads through western Africa. -
Mar 30, 1400
Yoruba (Oyo)
Yoruba started in 1400 and ended in 1905. The Yoruba culture was located in what is now southern Nigeria. The origin of Yoruba culture was ancient city of Ile-Ife. The Yoruba produced a great constitution-yet unwritten, a strong military force with great development of weaponry, and a practical way of administration. -
Mar 30, 1440
Benin (not the present day country)
Benin started in 1440 and ended in 1897. The Benin culture was located in what is now southern Nigeria. The Benin Empire was generally ruled by the Ogisos, or “Kings of the Sky”. In 1440 , it was transformed from a city-state into an empire. -
Mar 30, 1450
Mutapa started in 1450 and ended in 1629. Mutapa was located in Zimbabwe and Mozambique. The name Mutapa means "the conquered lands." The Mutapa Empire was a working system of government in Africa and a flourishing civilization. -
Period: to
African Kingdoms
Mali Empire
Mali began in the 800 and lasted to the year 1550. The empire was spread through western Africa. It reached the Alantic Ocean to the west and followed much of the Niger River. The origin and meaning of Mali is still being debated by scholars. -
Kilwa (sometimes called “Kilwa Sultanate”)
Kilwa started in the 9th century and ended in 1840. Kilwa was located in what is now Tanzania. It was once the most famous trading post in Africa. At one point, its island was under African Control.