African Empires by Nicco and Chris

  • Jan 1, 1062

    Tenkamainia became ruler of Ghana

    Tenkamainia became ruler of Ghana
    Tenkamainia became ruler of Ghana
  • Jan 1, 1076


    Muslim Invaders captured the captial and Ghana began to crumble
  • Jan 1, 1203

    ghana restored

    ghana restored
    A king named sumanguru tried to restore glory to ghana
  • Jan 1, 1235

    The lost king was defeated

    The lost king was defeated
    Mali gained power and they defeated the lost king in 1235
  • Jan 1, 1240

    Ghana Destroyed

    Ghana Destroyed
    King Sundiata destroyed the captial of Ghana and took the gold and salt trade
  • Jan 1, 1307

    New Ruler Mansa Musa

    New Ruler Mansa Musa
    Mansa Musa became the new ruler of Mali. He was very religious Muslim
  • Jan 1, 1324

    King going to mecca and wealth

    King going to mecca and wealth
    He visited the holy city of mecca, as all muslims are required to do in their lifetimeHe brought thousands of slaves and hundreds of pounds of gold to show his wealth. He gave many gifts and became very popular
  • Jan 1, 1332

    Death of Mansa Musa and New Power

    Death of Mansa Musa and New Power
    Mansa Musa died. He left behind an empire governed by law and a good economy. Also, Timbuktu became a learning center for scholars around the world. No european country had nationalism but the empire of mali did. By the fifteenth century, however, a bigger and greater power was on the rise
  • Jan 1, 1464

    New Empire

    New Empire
    Sunni Ali, a Muslim leader of the Songhai, defeated the forces of Mali and became the ruler of the most powerful West african empire
  • Jan 1, 1493

    New leader, New Stuff

    New leader, New Stuff
    Songhai's brilliant leader, Askia Muhammand, took the throne. He encouraged learning, trade, abd increased the power of Songhai's srmy by forving neighboring communities to provide exta soldiers
  • Jan 1, 1497

    Pilgrimage to mecc,a New Help, Open Minded Polices, and Groth

    Pilgrimage to mecc,a New Help, Open Minded Polices, and Groth
    Askia mada a pilgrimage to Mecca and returned with doctors, architects, scientists, and scholars to help build his empire. Because of Askia's open minded policies, Songhai gre and prospered. Songhai grew and prospered. Banks, schools, mosques, and court were for the citizens of Songhai.
  • The End of African Empires after Spain Invades

    The End of African Empires after Spain Invades
    The empire remained the most powerful West Africa had ever seen until 1700 when the invading force of Morocco and Spain destroyed the last of great african empire.