African American Timeline

By casep19
  • Escape of Harriet Tubman

    So in 1849 she left her husband and escaped to Philadelphia in 1849. ... Harriet Tubman as "Conductor" with escaped slaves at an Underground Rail Road ...
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    The Civil War begins. The South separates from the North. 620,00 Americas died during the 4 year war.
  • 13th Admendment

    13th Admendment
    This Admendment was passed to abolish slavery. It prohibits slavery in all states and territories.
  • 15th amendmant

    The ConstitutionAfrican American men have the right to vote
  • Founding of NAACP

    Founding of NAACP
    The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is an African-American civil rights organization in the United States, formed in 1909 by Moorfield Storey, Mary White Ovington and W. E. B. Du Bois.
  • Civil right act of 1964

    Civil right act of 1964
    This act banned turning down people for job and stuff like that.
  • Martin Luther KIng assassination

    Martin Luther KIng assassination
    James Earl Ray assassined Martin Luther Kingon April 4,1968
  • Emmett Till murder

    Emmett Till murder
    Fourteen-year-old Emmett Till was visiting relatives in Money, Mississippi, on August 24, 1955, when he reportedly flirted with a white cashier at a grocery store. Four days later, two white men kidnapped Till, beat him and shot him in the head. The men were tried for murder, but an all-white, male jury acquitted them