Frederick Douglass was born.
Frederick Douglas was a slave, when freed became a leader of the movement against slavery. -
Harriet Tubman was born.
Harriet Tubman escaped from slavery and helped more than 70 slaves escape using the underground railroad. -
Dave the Potter began creating pottery
Dave the Potter was a potter, poet, and slave. He created pottery with his poetry written on it. -
Henry "Box" Brown was free!
Henry "Box" Brown was mailed in a box to Philadelphia and freed from slavery. -
Martin L. King Jr. was born.
We have a national holiday which celebrates Dr. Martin Luther King's birthday. -
Duke Elligton at Carnegie Hall.
The famous jazz musician, Duke Ellington, performed a concert at the World famous Carnegie Hall. -
Rosa Parks arrested for refusing to sit in the back of the bus.
Rosa Parks refused to give her seat on the bus to a white person. she was arrested and this helped begin the civil rights movement. Martin Luther King later visited Rosa in jail. -
Ruby Bridges was a brave 1st grader.
Rudy Bridges was escorted by U.S. Marshalls to William Frantz Public school in New Orleans, LA. -
Martin L. King's famous speech
Dr. King gave his most famous "I have a dream" speech in the summer of 1963 in Washington D.C. -
Martin L. King's funeral.
Sadly, Martin Luther King was shot and killed for his great work. There was a long parade in his honor. -
First African-American President Barack Obama
44th President if the United States, 1st African-American president.