Africa Timeline

  • 1400


    Europeans started to make long sea voyages because of the riches in Africa.
  • 1400


    Europeans started trade with Africa
  • 1500


    African traders sold slaves for European guns
  • 1500


    Europeans built trading posts on the coast of Africa
  • 1600s

    Europeans slightly colonized southern and Eastern Africa.
  • 1800s

    Europeans started interfering Africa and eventually started taking over
  • 1900s

    African regain control of their land
  • 1900

    Europeans nation divided most of Africa into colonies
  • 1910

    First cases of independence
  • 1910

    South Africa gained independence
  • 1920s

    In Kenya the kikuyu people started a political organization.
  • 1930s

    Ethiopia was invaded by Italy
  • 1940s

    African independence movements began.
  • 1948

    Laws against black Africans limiting their privileges
  • 1950s

    Most of Africa gained independence
  • 1956

    Sudan gained independance
  • 1957

    Ghana became independent
  • 1960

    Nigeria became independent
  • 1960s

    Most of Africa gained independence
  • 1960

    Belgium abruptly gave independence to the Belgian Congo
  • 1962

    Nelson Mandela jailed
  • 1963

    Kenya gained independence.
  • 1967

    An oil-rich area controlled by the Igbo ethnic group attempted to leave Nigeria
  • Period: to

    1989 - 1994

    F.W. de Klerk was president of Africa who agreed to end Apartheid
  • 1990

    F.W. de Klerk released Nelson Mandela from jail
  • 1994

    South Africans all voted for Mandela to become president of Africa
  • 1994

    Huta Military and Militia groups killed 800000 to 1000000 tutsis
  • 200s

    Thousands of people (mostly black farmers) were killed
  • 2005

    Civil wars ended
  • 2011

    South Sudan became independent