Europeans made long sea voyages
Africans began trading with Europeans
African traders sold slaves for goods
Built trading posts on African Coasts
Southern and Eastern Africa Colonized
Slave trading outlawed
Europeans started to colonizing Africa
Africans regained power
Africa divided into colonies
South Africa gained independence
Kikuyu people started an organization for independence form Britain
Ethiopia invaded by Itlaly
African independence movements gained momentum
South Africa Adopted Apartheid
Africa Gained independence
Sudan gained independence
Ghana became independent
Nigeria became independent
More of Africa gained independence
Belgium granted independence to the Belgian Congo
Nelson Mandela Jailed
Kenya gained independence
Joseph Mobutu seized power and changed country's name to Zaire
An oil rich ethnic group attempted to leave Nigeria
Nelson Mandela released from jailed and apartheid ended
Nelson Mandela became president
Hutu military and militia groups killed Tutsis
Arab Spring movement started in Tunisia
Arab Spring forced President Hosni Mubarak to resign
South Sudan became independent
Tunisia's dictator resigned
Voters approved constitution
Quaddafi killed
New Islamic President elected
Military imprisoned Morsi