300 BCE
Ghana's most valuable resource is salt because its help preserve your food and it's rare.They made iron tools and iron weapons -
Jan 1, 1050
Ghana Control Trade
Ghana had control Trade routes.Takedda brought Copper to Ghana and Niani brought Gold to Ghana.Trade was done easy,it was peaceful and kept the location of the gold mines secreat. -
Jan 1, 1255
Mali reached its height under the ruler Sundiata.He built a new Islamic empire in West Africa and conquered lands that were part of Mali. -
Jan 1, 1255
Sundiata then intoduced a new crop called cotton. -
Jan 1, 1300
The capital of Songhai was Gao.Mana Musa conquered Songhai.The Songhai leaders were Muslims.Later then as the Songhai gained wealth,they expanded their.Sunni Ali then becamed ruler of Songhai in 1464. -
Jan 1, 1312
Mansa Musa
Maili's most famous ruler was a Muslim named Mansa Musa.He had some accomplishment.He improved trading, religion, and education.He ruled up to 25 years,1312-1337 -
Jan 1, 1492
Askia the Great
Sunni Ali died in 1492.Askia then became ruler then.He supported education and learning.He carried advanced weapons and created a professional army. -
Songhai Falls to Morocco
A rival Morocco wanted to gain control of Songhai's salt mines.So Morocco army set out to go after the heart Songhai in 159.m -
Ghana Invasion
A group of people called Almoravids attacked Ghana in 1600.They defeated Ghana after 14 years.But they didn;t control Ghana for that long.They cut trade routes and formed new one.Without trade Ghana could not support its empire.