
Afganistan 1700-present

  • Beginning of Hotaki Dynasty

    Beginning of Hotaki Dynasty
    Mir Wais Hotak led a succesful revolution against the Persians Safavidin Kandahar. It was an Afghan absolute monarchy government lasted until 1738.
  • First Anglo-Afghan War

    First Anglo-Afghan War
    British troops supported the Shah Shujah's small army in retaking Kabul. Although, the British agreed to withdraw the British troops immediantly after the installment of Shujah's army in Kabul, but the Shujah was still a small harmless army, it still needed the British troop's protection to suppress rebellion. They also needed British's funds to buy the support of the tribal army.
  • Second Anglo-Afghan War

    Second Anglo-Afghan War
    The Second War was the second major war fought over the issue brought up by the Russians.When Russian envoys arrived in Kabul, influencing the Afghans. Then the British triggered the second war in the eastern entrance of the Khyber Pass. The end of the second war brought the afghan rebellion to a end.
  • The Durand Line

    The Durand Line
    The border between Pakistan and Afghanistan was formed. In exchange of resources from the British, this border was established after an 1893 agreement between Mortimer Durand of British India and Afghan Amir Abdur Rahman Khan
  • Third Anglo-Afghan War

    Third Anglo-Afghan War
    Amanullah declared full independence and triggered the Third Anglo-Afghan War. The fighting concluded in August 1919 and Britain declared the term of the Anglo-Afghan Treaty of 1919.
  • Afghanistan’s Independence

    Afghanistan’s Independence
    After the three wars, Afghanistan's independence was made from the British by Amanullah Khan. The Anglo-Afghan Treaty of 1919, also known as the Treaty of Rawalpindi, was an treaty made between the United Kingdom and Afghanistan during the Third Anglo-Afghan War, resulting afghanistan independent from the British, and agreed that British-India would never extend past Khyber Pass.The Khyber Pass is a mountain pass connecting Afghanistan and Pakistan.
  • The Beginning of Afghan Democratic State

    The Beginning of Afghan Democratic State
    Mohammed Zahir became the king of Afghanistan and initiated the Democratic State in Afghanistan in 1964. He created free elections and a parliament.
  • The Last King

    The Last King
    Mohammed Zahir was the last King of Afghanistan (End of monarchy in Afghanistan. His reign lasted for 40 years during which he instituted the democratic state.
  • End of the Afghan Democratic Society

    As Mohammed Zahir's first cousin, Mohammed Daoud Khan came to power, he abolished the Democratic constitution and created the Republic of Afghanistan.
  • The Communists

    The Communists
    During the Cold war, Presidant Khan was assassinated and the communists came to power. Many Muslim traditions including mosques became off limits and a religious war broke out.
  • The Soviet Invasion

    The Soviet Invasion
    As the Soviet Union invaded to keep the communist goverment alive, the following war forced 6 million refugees into Pakistan and Iran and over 1 and a half million people died.
  • Rise of the Taliban

    Rise of the Taliban
    In 1992, civil war Taliban broke out and a group named after the civil war Taliban was created. They initially rebelled against the government of the pro-Soviet Democratic Republic of Afghanistan (DRA) during the late 1970s. 
  • End of Najibullah Government

    After the Soviets withdrew completely from Afghanistan in February 1989, war between the communists finally came to an end. With support from the Soviets, Mohammad Najibullah's government survived. Unfortunately, after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the Mohammad government was overthrown on April 18, 1992. The forces of Abdul Rashid Dostum, which was a former government army general in Afghanistan and is considered to some people the leader of Afghanistan, surrendered to Ahmed Shah Ma
  • National Reputation

    National Reputation
    By 2000, Taliban had control over 90 percent of Afghanistan and had earned the reputation amongst those weary of warfare.
  • U.S. and Alqueda

    U.S. and Alqueda
    As the terrorist attack was mounted on the world trade center, the United States tried to eliminate all Al-Qaeda forces. United States launched missle attacks to bomb Osama Bin Laden's Al-Qaeda militia camp, but the United States were still unable to catch Laden. Soon, the American troops had gained authority in Kabul and other cities to secure the area by November.
  • Republic Country

    Republic Country
    In 2004, a new constitution was formed which formed a republic country.