Affective Computing Timeline

  • 3500 BCE

    The First Technology

    The First Technology
    Knapping is the skill of chipping down a stone using a rounded granite stone to create a cutting or scraping device. According to the book, this took place 3.39 million years ago, however, as a Christian, I would guess this would actuate to around 3500 BC or shortly after Adam and Eve. These tools were considered one of the first "technologies" that were recorded. The very first technology was something so very simple yet revolutionary because of what it would turn into in the future.
  • Entrance into artificial intelligence:

    Entrance into artificial intelligence:
    The General Problem Solver was one of the first artificial intelligence programs that were created. The main idea behind the General Problem Solver (GPS) was to "provide a core set of processes that could be used to solve a variety of different types of problems" (Instructional Design). This first design of AI had its issues and limitations, however, this program set forth the beginning of what technology we have now thanks to the idea of growth explained in Moore's Law.
  • "Affective Computing" by Rosalind Picard

    "Affective Computing" by Rosalind Picard
    This book detailed the research from Picard's studies about human emotions and details about how computers could be able to tell what humans might be thinking or feeling. This book gave a framework for the future technology and ideas used in today's technology to help a computer learn a human's patterns.
  • Sensory Gadgets Helped Lead Reasearchers Towards More Effective Computing.

    Sensory Gadgets Helped Lead Reasearchers Towards More Effective Computing.
    A group of researchers including Picard created wearable sensors that read biofeedback from people that used technology. One example of these sensors was a wearable shock sensor that was able to read the reaction of users that were playing a video game called Quake. When the user jumped due to a scare, the sensor would sense that reaction and move the character in the game backward. Other wearables were also being used such as gloves that tracked skin conductivity.
  • Smart Closet That Sets Out Your Outfits Before You Wake Up

    Smart Closet That Sets Out Your Outfits Before You Wake Up
    Something that I have always thought would be a cool invention is the idea of a smart closet. This smart closet would work much like a red box for movies where you can see what is available on a screen and when you make your selection, it gives you your movie. Thanks to affective computing, this idea is reachable in the near future. Not only would users not have to dig through their closet to find an outfit, but the computer could track the weather and what they have worn recently.
  • Personal Visits To Mars

    Personal Visits To Mars
    With Moore's Law and all of the advancements in technology, by 2123 I think that people will be able to take their own flying cars on a trip to Mars. Even though no human has ever come close to setting foot on another planet other than the moon, in 100 years with how fast our technology is advancing, it wouldn't surprise me if this became a possibility.