Affective Computing

  • 3000 BCE


    Knapping was first discovered 3.39 million years ago in Gona, Afar, Ethiopia. It is known as the first form of technology that existed and influenced advancements in technology. Knapping is the shaping of a stone by striking it to create tools and weapons. Here is an example of what knapping looked like:
  • Moore's Law

    Moore's Law
    Moore's law was first observed by Gordon Moore. This law states that transistors on a computar chip would double every two years. This also means that the speed and efficiancy of our computars would increase every two years. Here is a video explaining moore's law:
  • Affective Computing

    Affective Computing
    Affective Computing was a term and study created by Rosalind Picard in 1995. It is the study and development of systems and devices can recognize, relate to and interact with human emotions.
  • Microsoft Office Assistant named Clippy Up for a Short Time

    Microsoft Office Assistant named Clippy Up for a Short Time
    Microsoft created a office assistant named clippy that would help individuals with their frustrations in writing. This was inspired and created by the affective computing software and was not liked by many. Clippy was famous for being "one of the worst user interfaces ever deployed to the mass public".
  • Tactile virtual reality

    Tactile virtual reality
    In the near future there will be room for tactile virtual reality. Researchers from Northwestern University have developed a prototype device that put touch within virtual reality using a flexible material with tiny vibrating components attached to the skin. Here is a video explaining more about it and the possible benefits:
  • Flying Cars

    Flying Cars
    In 100 years there could potentially be flying cars. Cars have already been advancing every few years and now there are self-driving cars. I think there is potential in this especially with how technology is advancing.