Industrial Revolution
1760-1840 Industrial revolution. Utilizing low cost labor to perform job tasks. Leads to the creation of labor laws and labor unions to protect children and workers rights. Easter Illinois University. (n,d). Childhood lost: Child labor during the industrial revolution. Retrieved from http://www.eiu.edu/eiutps/childhood.php Photo credit, (n,d). [Child labor, textile manufactring]. Retrieved from http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/06/06/article-0-1A2E8593000005DC-112_468x478.jpg -
Brooklyn Bridge
New concrete and steel cable manufacturing techniques drive increased need for education and training for construction workers. New construction techniques allow larger and ambitious projects such as the building of the Brooklyn Bridge. Photo credit (N/A). [Brooklyn Bridge]. Retrieved from http://media.photobucket.com/user/d4rkn35d3vil/media/New%20York%20Cool/mm.jpg.html?filters[term]=brooklyn bridge&filters[primary]=images&filters[secondary]=videos&sort=1&o=17 -
Period: to
AET 570 Evolution of the Training Profession
Significant Developments in Education and Training of Adults Photo credit, (N/A). [Rosie the Riveter]. Retrieved from https://www.pinterest.com/pin/293930313149774444/ -
Industrial Training for Steel Making
To complete the creation of the Ferris wheel for the Chicago world fair employees of steel mills required training on how to make the alloy of steel that would support the structure. Photo credit, (N/A). [Original Ferris Wheel]. Retrieved from https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/68/Chicago-ferris-wheel.jpg -
World War I
The world at war creates training needs to support the defense industries Photo credit, (N/A). [WW1 Tank Assembly Line]. Retrieved from https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/10/Technika_%C4%8Ceskoslovensk%C3%A9_arm%C3%A1dy.jpg -
Depression Era Job Training
Prior to World War 2, Community College job training for drafting. Government works projects were implemented by Presidential order to build up infrastructure, employ people and get the economy moving forward. Photo credit, (N/A). [Drafting class at Fullerton College]. Retrieved from http://libraryfchistory.fullcoll.edu/photos.php?image_id=237 -
World War II
With many men off to fight in World War II, the American manufacturing workforce was depleted. Women and others were recruited to help support the war efforts manufacturing needs. New training methods needed to cater to those with little prior experience. Photo credit, (N/A). [Women working on drill press line]. Retrieved from http://st.motortrend.com/uploads/sites/5/2015/10/Women-working-in-aircraft-assembly-factory.jpg -
Teaching Technology
Teaching machines first developed. The machines automated the collection of test responses of exam questions. Company training programs could utilize standardized tests and use these testing machines to collect the answers of employees in a timelier manner. Testing machines allowed companies to collect feedback evaluation data of large groups of employees. Photo credit, (N/A). [Testing machine]. Retrieved from http://nwlink.com/~donclark/hrd/history/pressey.jpg -
Technology Training Needs Increase for Business
Numerical Controlled machinery replacing manually controlled machining tasks. Industry specific training becomes commonplace for employees to learn how to run new technology equipment that will constant change and require additional training. Photo credit, (N/A). [Numerical Control Horizontal Mill]. Retrieved from http://www.cnccookbook.com/img/OthersProjects/Machines/Milwaukee-Matic-II-FirstToolChanger.jpg -
Electronic Workstations for Training
Computer labs to run software utilized for basic skills and industry specific software applications are offered at schools around the world by the mid 80's. Photo credit, (N/A). [Modern day educational computer lab]. Retrieved from http://www.compview.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/CS_DP_UofWa_2.jpg -
E-Learning Becomes Available
E Learning opportunities allow training to be delivered to those in remote locations. Utilization of bulletin board discussion features allows instant feedback for correspondence education making such learning more synchronous. Photo credit, (N/A). [E-Learning illustration]. Retrieved from http://www.translation-source.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/elearning1.jpg -
E-Learning Benefits from WEB 2.0
WEB 2.0 adds new functions and capabilities for E -learning applications. Photo credit, (N/A). [Web 2.0 illustration]. Retrieved from http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-CHVEDKZD0z8/UNQ443aarvI/AAAAAAAAAKM/_yMjkbfKl3Q/s1600/web%2B2.0.png