Adopt a country part 4

  • Apr 1, 1550

    African Slaves working in Brazil in the Sugar plantations

    African Slaves working in Brazil in the Sugar plantations
    In 1550, African slavese were to be transfered to brazil to work in sugar plantations.
  • Brazil fights the Dutch

    Brazil fights the Dutch
    In the year 1636 on november 17 the Brazilians and the Dutch went to battle.
  • Brazil decided to declair independence

    Brazil decided to declair independence
    On november 6th 1822 Brazil had made the quick decision to declair the independence for the Portegule
  • Darwin took a trip to Rio De Janario

    Darwin took a trip to Rio De Janario
    On April 8th 1832 Darwin was to be taking a trip to explore Rio de Janario
  • Festa do Peão Boiadeiro

    Festa do Peão Boiadeiro
    it is the time of year where there are many activities that are celebrated and completed during this event of the year
  • Military coup in Brazil

    Military coup in Brazil
    On April 2nd 1964 led by the General was leading a military dictatorship in 1964
  • Bom Jesus dos Navegantes (New Year’s Day/ New Year’s Eve)

    Bom Jesus dos Navegantes (New Year’s Day/ New Year’s Eve)
    This is a holiday celebrated by many people. It is celebrated by so many people because it is the start of the new year for Brazil.
  • sports events

    sports events
    there are many sports events that are happening in Brazil. for example there is football wich is soccer there there is volleyball and etc.
  • June Parties (Festa Junina)

    June Parties (Festa Junina)
    It is a celebration that Brazil celebrates because it is the end of the rain month for Brazil that is why it is called June Parties (Festa Junina)
  • Carnival

    Carnival is 46 days and celebrates many holidays like Easter, Christmas, and Newyears eve. it is an event were people build floats and wear costumes to celebrate a special holiday known in Brazil since 1990.