Adolf Hitler Timeline

By kpm
  • Eiffel Tower Designed

    Eiffel Tower Designed
    After college, Gustave Eiffel began working with metal. Beginning by designing bridges, Gustave slowly began to expand his designing abilities, and even helped to design the Statue of Liberty in New York City. However, as his last name implies, Eiffel is most famous for designing the Eiffel Tower. This is still today one of the biggest landmarks in the world. ( The Timetable of History 1889 )
  • Adolf Hitler is born

    Adolf Hitler is born
    Adolf Hitler was born in Braunau am Inn, Austria to Alois Hitler and Klara Pozl. As a child Adolf was introverted and didn't like to talk much, due to his brother dying at a young age. Historians have looked into Hitler's childhood many times, trying to find out if anything made him the way he is, but as it seems he had a semi-normal childhood. (
  • Rubber Gloves are Used in Surgery

    Rubber Gloves are Used in Surgery
    One could only imagine rubber gloves were first used during surgery because of the complaints of a person who was tired of getting their hands dirty while performing surgery. So, a doctor requested gloves that he could wear during surgery. This is important because it made surgery cleaner and more safe. ( The Timetable of History 1890 ) (
  • First Photograph Taken

    First Photograph Taken
    In 1898 the first photograph was taken. The photograph wasn't of much, and consists of what looks like a man standing at a table. This was revolutionary, because we now use photographs all the time. (The Timetable of History 1898)
  • Early Life

    Early Life
    Hitler had an average but sad childhood, and many of the things that happened to him during this time may have influenced the way he was when he was older. Most of all, the deaths of his brother, father, and mother around the same time. As a child, Hitler also showed an interest in art and fine arts. ( The Unknown Hitler by Wulf Schwarzwaller pgs 17-26 )
  • Moves to Vienna

    Moves to Vienna
    As mentioned before, Adolf Hitler was very much into painting and the fine arts. So, in September of 1907, before his mother died, he moved to Vienna to work and paint. And as it turns out, Hitler was very good at painting. (
  • Accepted into the German Military

    Accepted into the German Military
    As World War I was just starting, Adolf Hitler applied for the German Military, and in 1914, he was accepted, although he almost never saw the front lines. Hitler was wounded during the time that he served, however, and received two awards, the Iron Cross First Class and the Black Wound Badge. This experience grew his love for politics. (
  • Hitler joins DAP

    Hitler joins DAP
    After Hitler returned from World War I, he monitored the activity of what was called DAP, or the German Workers' Party. Later, in September of 1919, Hitler joined DAP, who changed their name to the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, also known as the Nazis. This started a relationship with the Nazis that would last a long time. (
  • Ku Klux Klan

    Ku Klux Klan
    During 1921, the activities of the Ku Klux Klan became more and more violent, especially in the south. During this time, people also started making speeches defending the Ku Klux Klan. This is important because it is one of America's most embarrassing moments in its history. ( The Timetable of History 1921 )
  • Munich Agreement

    Munich Agreement
    The munich agreement was a treaty signed by Hitler, and several other European leaders. This treaty gave Sudetenland to Germany, which went back on some of the things in the Versailles Treaty. Because of this treaty, Hitler won Man of the Year! (
  • Anti-Jewish Pogroms

    Anti-Jewish Pogroms
    Before World War II, Hitler and the Nazis made many laws against people of the Jewish religion. These pogroms included boycotting Jewish businesses, restricting the number of Jewish students a school could have, and renewing the licenses of Jewish tax consultants. The pogroms were very violent and offensive. (
  • Roosevelt Asks for Money to Defend Against Germany

    Roosevelt Asks for Money to Defend Against Germany
    During 1939, World War II was still going on, and many countries had had enough. This included The United States of America, who asked for a large amount of money to defend against the Germans. Roosevelt received his money, and used it to defend the United States. (The Timetable of History 1939)
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    On September 1, 1939, German forces invaded Poland, starting World War II. Two days after Germany made this mistake, England and France joined forces and declared war on Germany, which lead Hitler to increase his military forces. Overall, this lead to the start of one of the greatest histories in the world. ( World History Patterns of Interaction pg. 821 )
  • D-Day

    On June 6th, 1944, Western Allied Forces landed in France. Because of this, many German officers knew that defeat was inevitable. After this, Hitler continued to rule, and armies tried to plan ways to assassinate the dictator. However, they never could. (
  • End of the Chinese Japanese War

    End of the Chinese Japanese War
    The Chinese Japanese War started in 1937 and ended in 1945. This war was basically divided into three stages, the period where Japan was winning, the period where everything was neutral, and finally the period where China counterattacked. Finally, Japan surrendered. (
  • Death

    By 1945, Hitler foresaw the ending of the war, and the loss of Germany. So, he married his girlfriend Eva Braun, and two days later, because of fears of being captured by military forces, Hitler and his new wife committed suicide. After Hitler committed suicide, his body was burned as instructed. (