Adolf Hitler's Birth
Adolf Hitler was born on April 20th in Braunau am Inn in the empire of Austria-Hungary.
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Adolf Hitler's father dies
Alois Hitler, 65, went out for a walk, stopping at a favorite inn where he sat down and asked for a glass of wine and died of a lung hemoorhage.
Historical Perspective: Adolf's father forced him into a career he did not wish to pursue, and after he died, Adolf was free to chose whatever career path he wished to take. In Adolf's perspective now that his father was not there to force restrictions on what path he had to chose it led to further pursue his interest in Art. -
Adolf Hitler's mother, Klara dies
Klara died after very expensive treatments by a Jewish doctor because of having breast cancer.
Historical Perspective: Adolf was adored and loved greatly by his mother. After her death when the Doctors came to signed the death certificate he said he never saq anybody overcome with grief as adolf had over his mothers death. After her death he moved to Vienna and further pursued a career in art. -
Hitler moves to Vienna
After a few weeks of his mothers death, Hitler moved to Vienna
Historical Significane: Adolf moves to Vienna where he doesn't get accepted into art school, this leads him to think that politics is better -
Adolf Hitler serves in WW1
In WW1 Hitler volunteered for service in the German army and joined the 16th Barvarian Reserve Infantry Regiment.
Cause & Affect: In order to escape his misery of not getting into medical and living in really poor conditions after his mother died he joined the Austrian Army to find a purpose in life. -
Adolf Hitler joins German Workers' Party
Adolf Hitler was ordered in September 1919 to investigate a small group in Munich known as the German Workers' Party after which he joined it.
Cause & Affect: After having being invited to the meeting, he spoke uninterruptedly against a man who spoke in favor of Germany joining with Austria after to which he was accepted as a member of the party as they believed, "had the gift of a jab." -
Nazi was formed
After being discharged from the army Adolf took responsibility for propaganda and through the Nazi, dishonoured leaders for signing the versailles treaty.
Historical Significance: The formation of the Nazi Party was significant because it allowed Adolf to express freely his hatred towards the Jews for being Germany's problem and also dishonouring leaders for admiting Germnay is weak, which helped him gain members in thousands. -
The Beer Hall Putsch
Adolf Hitler along with his Nazi's failed atempt to takeover the government in Bavaria, Germany where he staged the Beer Haal Putsch.
Cause & Affect: Hitler and the Nazis planned to kidnap the leaders of the Bavarian government and force them at gunpoint to accept Hitler as their leader because Hitler did not want to lose leadership and thought it was the right time ti strike and take over. -
Adolf Hitler goes on trial for treason
After the Beer Hall Putsch,Hitler was put into trial for treason where he admitted wanting to overthrow the government
Ethical Dimension: I believe it is ethically wrong to plan that forcing someone on the gunpoint to do something will solve matters, as Adolf did with the leaders of the Bavarian government. Adolf's actions are not justifiable as threatning to kill just to be a leader is not leadership quality. -
Mein Kampf
Hitler dictated his book to a writer while he was in prison and it was later publlished outlining his thoughts and struggles
Continuity Change: When Adolf first published the book it was very poorly sold beceuase people expected things like insights in the Beer Hall Putsch but instead had to read about his struggles. Although it started getting popular when he became Chancellor of Germnay and to this day is still read as they believe It provides strong insights into Hitler's psychology. -
Hitler is given German Citizenship
Adolf was granted german citizenship
Cause and Affetct: the state government of Brunswick, appointed Hitler to a minor administrative post and made him a citizen of Brunswick.the states conferred citizenship at that time so this made Hitler a citizen of Germany which allowed him to run for president -
Hitler withdraws from the League of Nations
Adolf withdraws from the League of Nations and doubles his military army, ignoring the versailles treaty.
Historical Perspective; Adolf Hitler did not believe in the versailles treaty and opposed it by increasing his arms and army because he believed it was the only was he could rule and take over and lead Germany. -
Crystal Night
When German nazis attacked Jewish persons and property
Ethical dimension: Attacking and being violent to people just because they belong to a certain religious background is morally wrong. You should never inflict violence on an innocent person that has done no wrong to anyone. The way Adolf inflicted violence on Jews is ethically wrong and his actions are not justifiable. -
Hitler declaes war on Poland
Hitler declared war over Poland to over throw the Treaty of Versailles
Ethical Dimension: I believe it was ethically wrong for Adolf to have declared another war just for the purpose of capturing Danzig to oppose thepeace treaty, By doing so he is just starting another deadly war. I believe he could have handled matters more ethically than bringing upon another deadly and sad war. -
Adolf declares war on the United States
Hitler and Mussolini’s declared war against the US
Historical Perspective: Hitler saw the oppurtunity to build up the empire so he declared war on the US knowing that he could take up his revenge for the versailles treaty, even though his allie Japan was not directly hit, they still declared war as Hitler was excited that he was a central figure. -
Germany invades the Soviet Union
Hitler tries to invade the European line of the Soviet Union after world war 2 started
Historical Significance: Germans occupied some of the most important economic areas of the country, mainly in Ukraine but failed to invade the whole soviet union. Although it was the largest military operation of manpower and casualties in history -
Batlle of Stallingrad
The Battle of Stalingrad was a battle etween Nazi Germany,its allies and the Soviet Union for control of the city of Stalingrad in southwestern Russia during ww2,
Histoical Significance; It is described as the turning points of war and bloodiest in modern history, with combinedwith 2 million casua. The battle involved more soldiers than any other in history,and had high civilian casualties on both sides. -
Hitler survives an assassination
Colonel StauFfenburg tries to assasinate Hitler by placing a bomb in his suitcase
Ethical Dimension: It is morally wrong to try and assassinate someone no matter how wrong or bad the person may seem. Placing a bomb like that not only brings potential danger to the person but also to the poeple living around. There is always a right way to do things and instead of placing a bomb he should have consulted the matter legally -
Adolf orders desruction of German Industries
Germany was losing war as the western allies were advancing into Germany, Adolt wanted all industries destroyed.
Historica perspective: Adolf knew they were losing war but he refused to retreat so instead he ordered all the industries destroyed so they wouldn't get exploited y enemy countries. He wanted to take Germany down to it's own destruction then to have it given away to the enemy countries -
Adolf dies
Hitler commits suicide with his wife Eva Bran to which he has been married for only two days.