Adolf Hitler

By hooey73
  • Nazi Party Formed

    Nazi Party Formed
    Adolf Hitler's rise to power
    The Nazi party was formed and its main foundation was racism
  • Hitler's Rocky start

    Hitler's Rocky start
    Adolf Hitler's rise to power
    Hitler came back from WWI and had no skills, no friends and no real purpose to his life after the war. So he sat in silence for two years where his mind got into ideas, and then joined the police force and started working up the line of government status.
  • Period: to

    Adolf Hitler

    Adolf Hitler's rise to power
    Hitler at the height of his power in the January of 1933 was feared because he had so much power there was no way to tame him at this point.
  • Ideas Start Forming

    Ideas Start Forming
    Adolf Hitler's rise to power
    He went to a seminar and heard about anti-capitalist ideas which sparked his interest to start his ideas to the people.
  • Treaty of Versailles ends WWI

    Treaty of Versailles ends WWI
    Hitler Comes to Power
    The treaty of Versailles is signed ending WWI. Severe consequences were put on Germany. Hitler starts to arise by telling the people he'll save them.
  • Hitler loses Austrian citizenship

    Hitler loses Austrian citizenship
    Adolf Hitler's rise to power
    Hitlers fully becomes German citizen and is striped of his Austrian citizenship.
  • Stock Market Crashes

    Stock Market Crashes
    Hitler Comes to Power
    The stock market crashed causing a world wide depression. The Nazi party took full advantage of it and with 6 million without jobs in Germany alone, the Nazi party gave a lot of hope to the people.
  • Nazi loses Parliment Support

    Nazi loses Parliment Support
    Hitler Comes to Power
    The Nazi party lost a ton of support and lost 33% of their votes which was about 2 million people. With the Nazi party losing the election with enough negotiation Hitler would become chancellor.
  • Chancellor to Dictator

    Chancellor to Dictator
    Adolf Hitler's rise to power
    The Enabling Act was written and gave and assured Hitler to constitutionally use and practice dictatorial power without legal obligation.
  • Anti-Nazi Parties Outlawed

    Anti-Nazi Parties Outlawed
    Adolf Hitler's rise to power
    They were outlawed so there was no possible way to oppose him or get in his way.