Adolf Hitler

  • Date of Birth

    Adolf Hitler was born on this date
  • Primary School

    Adolf went to primary school from 1896 to 1898
  • Secondary School

    Hitler was in secondary school from 1899 to an unknown date.
  • Adolf's father dies

    Adolf's father died on January 3, 1903.
  • Adol'f mother dies

    Adol'f mother died on January 14, 1907.
  • World War 1

    Adolf was a part of World War 1 because it game him a new opportun ity to start fresh.
  • A german army overthrew the socialist goverment

    A German army overthrew the socialist goverment.
  • Adolf was arrested

    Adolf was arrested while the economy was very bad.
  • Hitler get released from prision

    Adolf gets released from prision where the economy is much better and inflation has gone way down.
  • Hitler's love commited suicide

    Adolf showed interest in his niece and married her. She killed herself on September 18th, 1931
  • Adolf is forced from his home

    Adolf was forced from his home because Soviet soldiers invaded
  • Adolf Hitler and his mistress Eva Braun commit suicide

    Adolf Hitler and his mistress Eva Braun commit suicide by taking cyanide pills.