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Heinrich Brüning
German man that was chancellor and foreign minister before Hilter soon came to power. Brüning was replaced because he was unable to solve his countries economical problems. Before Brüning became chancellor, he commanded a machine gun company in WW1.
( Heinrich Brüning, britannica.com) -
Hitler's Birth
Hitler was born in Austria. His by name is Der Führer meaning the leader in German.
(Adolf Hitler, britannica.com) -
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Martin Heidegger
He was a German philosopher. He was born and died in Messkirch. He did ground breaking work in the study of being or exsisting.
(Martin Heidegger, Britannia.com) -
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Joseph Goebbels
He was the minister of propaganda for Germany under Hitler. He was responsible for making an image of the Nazi regime to the Germans.
(Joseph Goebbels, Britannia.com) -
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Hitler's Experience in WW1
During WW1, Hitler trained to be in the Austrian military service, but was soon denied because he was unfit for the job. Eventually, he got in after training and was deployed to Belgium were he was included in the first battle of Ypres. During fighting in the war he was injured and hospitialized.
Dictator of Germany. Britannica.com -
Nazi Party was founded
The nazi party was founded by Anton Drexler in 1919. That same year Hitler eventually attended some of the meetings and took over the nazi party.
(Nazi party, britannica.com) -
Beer Hall Putsh
Hitler tried to start a insurrection in Germany against the Weimar Republic. Hitler and his nazi party pushed themselves into the Beer Hall to try to get the agreement to start a revolution in Berlin.
(Beer Hall Putsh, britannica.com) -
Mein Kampf
This was a book that Hitler wrote during his time in prison. This book explained how he wanted Germany to be and how he wanted to rule it.
(Mein Kampf, Britannia.com) -
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Nazi Germany
This was the period of time when Germany was ruled by Hitler. In his dictatorship, he created lots of laws that unified Germany and also kicked the Jews out.
(Nazi Party, Britannia.com) -
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This time period was when Jews were killed in mass quantities under the rule of Hitler. There was concentration camps were people were thrown in open fire to burn.
(Holocaust, Britannia.com) -
Reichstag Fire
This was the burning of the parliament building in Berlin. The nazi establishment turned public opinion against enemies to gain power.
(Reichstag Fire, Britannia.com) -
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The first nazi concentration camp in Germany. It was created 5 weeks after hitler became chancellor. It became the model of all the other concentration camps.
(Dachau, britannica.com) -
This was the Germany secret police service. They were responsible for getting the Jews to the concentration camps.
(Gestapo, britannica.com) -
The Nazi Occupation of Soviet Ukraine
This was a surprised German evasion from the USSR. During this event, the soviets shoot their prisoners and tried to evacuate whenever possible.
(Ukraine, britannica.com) -
Hitler's Death
Hitler died in Berlin Germany. He died from committing sucide.
(Adolf Hitler, Britannica.com)