Step 1
Check the medication order and compare the name of the ordered medication with the label on the medication vial. Assess for allergies. -
Step 2
Assemble needle and syringe. Pick up the vial. If medication has been reconstituted or is in suspension, place the vial between your palms, rotating, or rolling the vial back and forth. Do not shake the vial. Remove the metal cap from vial and remove the guard from the needle. Cleanse the vial top with alcohol prior to withdrawal. -
Step 3
Pull back on the barrel of the syringe to draw in a volume of air equal to the volume of the ordered medication dose. Holding the vial between the thumb and fingers of the non-dominant hand, insert the needle through the rubber stopper into the air space—not the solution—in the vial and inject air. -
Step 4
Invert the vial and withdraw the ordered dose of medication by pulling back on the plunger. Make sure that the needle is in the solution to be withdrawn and observe if the fluid is moving into the syringe. Expel air bubbles and adjust the dose if necessary. -
Step 5
Identify the patient by two identifiers. Scan bracelet if using BCMA. Recheck six rights. Close door or bed curtains and explain the procedure to the patient, and then educate the patient about medication. Don gloves. Select an injection site that is free from tenderness, swelling, scarring, and inflammation. Cleanse the site with antiseptic swab, using a circular motion from the center toward outside. Allow the area to dry thoroughly. -
Step 6
Remove needle guard. Hold the syringe in the dominant hand. Place a non-dominant hand on either side of the injection site. Spread or bunch skin to stabilize the site and identify subcutaneous tissue. Hold the syringe between thumb and forefinger of the dominant hand (like a dart). Inject needle quickly at a 45- to 90-degree angle depending on the amount of subcutaneous tissue. Release bunched skin. Inject medication with slow, even pressure. -
Step 7
Remove the needle quickly at the same angle at which it was inserted while supporting the surrounding tissue with your non-dominant hand. Apply gentle pressure to the site with a gauze square after the needle is withdrawn. Do not massage the site. Assist the patient in a position of comfort. Do not recap the needle. Activate the needle guard. Dispose of syringe and needle in the sharps container. Perform hand hygiene.