Addi's life

By ABaucom
  • Born september 12th 2006

    Born september 12th 2006
  • First younger sister is born (Ella)

    First younger sister is born (Ella)
  • second younger sister is born (landri)

    second younger sister is born (landri)
  • Started playing soccer in 1st grade

    Started playing soccer in 1st grade
  • Period: to

    Covid pandemic

    online my entire eighth-grade year
    social distancing
    stopped in person soccer practice
    zoom, house party, and social media communication
  • transferred schools for eighth grade year

    transferred schools for eighth grade year
    Transferred from a middle school in Olathe to Aubry Bend in Blue Valley.
  • Graduate highschool

    Graduate highschool
  • Play college soccer

    Play college soccer
  • Graduate college

    Graduate college
  • Go to PT school

    Go to PT school
    Another 3 years of school to become a physical therapist
  • get my own house

    get my own house
  • What does your time line tell you about yourself?

    What does your time line tell you about yourself?
    My timeline tells me that I am a very goal-oriented person. It also shows how I pretty much know what I want to do with my future. It shows a very strong passion for sports and sports med.
  • Work for pro sports team as a athletic trainer or physical therapist

    Work for pro sports team as a athletic trainer or physical therapist
  • How different would you be if you could have changed one or two events along your line?

    How different would you be if you could have changed one or two events along your line?
    It could have been a lot different especially if I didn't play soccer. I wouldn't have found my passion and potentially wouldn't have figured out my hopeful future job. Soccer brought me PT which is where I found my want to do that myself.
  • How flexible or fixed does your future seem to be?

    How flexible or fixed does your future seem to be?
    It seems pretty fixed as far as my career but in the other areas, it is pretty flexible. I know what I want to do for my job and the steps to get there. However, I don't know what life will entail outside of that.