AD 500 - 1000 (Saints)

  • 529

    St. Benedict founds his first monastery.

  • 574

    With St. Boniface’s help, the pope allies with the kings of the Franks

  • 590

    St. Gregory the Great becomes pope

  • 596

    Pope St. Gregory the Great sends St. Augustine of Canterbury to England to evangelize the Anglo-Saxons.

  • 597

    St. Augustine baptizes the King of Kent

  • 716

    St. Boniface leaves England to evangelize Germania

  • 1440

    Printing Press invented

  • 1492

    Printing Press invented

  • 1513

    Ponce de Leon of Spain founds St. Augustine, Florida St. Augustine, named for St. Augustine of Hippo, was the first European settlement in what is now the United States.

  • 1517

    Martin Luther presents the 95 Theses In this document, Luther presented what he saw as abusive practices in the Catholic Church.

  • 1520

    uther denies the authority of the pope to interpret Scripture

  • 1521

    Luther is excommunicated

  • 1522

    Luther translates the Bible into German

  • Period: 1545 to 1563

    The Council of Trent

  • The King James Bible becomes the Bible of the Church of England

  • The Mayflower sets sail from England to North America

  • Karl Marx writes the Communist Manifesto

  • Period: to

    Ecumenical Council of the Vatican (known as the Vatican I)

  • Bolshevik party formed in Russia

  • World War I begins

  • Three children at Fatima, Portugal, are granted visions of the Virgin Mary

  • Mexico outlaws Catholicism

  • The Soviet Union is formed (Lenin was its first leader; Stalin took power two years after Lenin’s death)

  • The first Catholic bishops in China are ordained

  • Servant of God Dorothy Day converts to Catholicism

  • Bl. Miguel Pro is killed by the Mexican governmen

  • Hitler beomes chancellor of Germany; first Nazi concentration camp is opened

  • Day founds the Catholic Worker newspape

  • World War II begins

  • Communist governments begin persecutions and mass murder across Europe and Asia

  • St. Maximilian Kolbe is killed by the Nazis at Auschwitz

  • Pope St. John XXIII calls the Church council that will become known as Vatican II

  • Period: to

    Ecumenical Council of the Vatican (now known as Vatican II)

  • The US Supreme Court rules that the Constitution protects the right ot an abortion

  • Pope St. John Paul II survives an assassination attempt ordered by the KGB

  • The Soviet Union begins to fall