Acts of the Apostoles

  • 33

    Resurrected Jesus (Act 1:8)

    Jesus shows himself during 40 days and speaks about God’s Kingdom (1:3)
    Jesus instructs the apostles to stay in Jerusalem and wait for the promised holy spirit (1:4, 5)
    Jesus answers the apostles’ question about when the kingdom will be restored to Israel (1:6, 7)
    Jesus commissions the apostles to be witnesses of him to the ends of the earth (1:8)
  • 33

    Pentecost / 1st key - 3000 baptized

    Acts 2:1-6
  • 33

    witnessing in Jerusalem / Opposition -5000 baptized / (Ananias & Sapphira)/ Sanhedrin

  • 34

    Persecution breaks our in Jerusalem

  • 34

    Saul's conversion / Ananias

  • 34


  • 34

    Period of peace begins

  • 34

    Philip in Samaria/ Peter + John - 2nd key/ Ethiopian eunuch / Philip preaches to all cities up to Caesaria

    Peter and John send to Samaria/ receive Holy Spirit
  • Period: 34 to 36

    Paul preaches in Damascus

  • 35

    Paul goes to Arabia

  • 36

    Paul visits Jerusalem

    Acts 9:26-30 Barnabas led him to the apostles (Jacob)
    Gal 1:18 - 15 Days with Peter
  • 36

    Peter preaches on the coastal plain / Dorcas resurrected

  • 36

    Cornelius - 3rd key

  • Period: 37 to 41


  • Period: 37 to 44

    Herod Agrippa I

    Appointed by Emperor Caligula and later added more territory by Emperor Claudius
    Violently persecuted the early Christian congregation, even had the apostle James executed and Peter imprisoned. Jehovah's angel struck him
  • 41

    Third Heaven Vision

  • 41


  • Period: 41 to 54


    4th emperor of Rome
  • 44

    James executed by Herod Agrippa with the sword

  • 44

    Angel sets Peter free from prison

  • 44

    Herod Agrippa I struck by an angel and dies

  • 44

    Named CHRISTIANS in Antioch

  • 44

    Agabus foretells famine

  • Period: 44 to 46

    Barnabas and Paul preach to Greeks in Syrian Antioch

  • 46

    Famine strikes

  • 46

    Paul and Barnabas carry our relief work in Jerusalem/ took along Mark/John

  • Period: 47 to 48

    Paul's first missionary tour

    Antioch - Seleucia - Cyprus ( Salamis - Paphos) - Perga (Paul takes the lead - Marco leaves) - Antioch of Pisidia (synagogue- gentiles - threw them out) - Iconium ( city divided - plot to stone them) - Lystra (healed a lame man - mistaken for gods - Paul survives stoning) - Derbe # Return to Lystra-Iconium-Antioch back to Perga - Attalia form there they sail back to Antioch of Syria
  • 49

    Paul resisted Peter face to face

  • 49

    Governing Body on Circumcision

    Acts 15
    After quite a bit of dissension came to a unanimous decision
  • 49

    Paul and Barnabas separate

    ( Paul with Silas - Barnabas with Marco/John preach in Cyprus )
  • Period: 49 to 52

    Paul's second missionary tour

    (Paul + Silas) Derbe - Lystra(+ Timothy) - Iconium - Antioch of Pisidia - Holy Spirit forbids going to Asia - trough Phrygia and Galatia down to Mysia - Troas (50 spring, vision of Macedonian man)(+Luke)
    - Neapolis = Philippi ( at Gangites river / Lydia - Paul and Silas imprisoned/ jailer baptized) ( - Luke ) - Thessalonica - Beroea(- Silas, -Timothy)
    - Athens - Corinth - Cenchreae - Ephesus - Caesarea - Jerusalem - Antioch of Syria
  • 50

    Congregation at Thessalonica established

  • 50

    Claudius orders all Jews to leave Rome

    49 or 50
    As a result, Priscilla and Aquila moved to Corinth, where they met apostle Paul
  • 50

    Congregation at Philippi established

  • 50

    Paul in Beroea

  • 50

    Paul in Athens

  • 50

    In Corinth

  • Period: 52 to 56

    Paul's third missionary tour