Proclamation of 1763
This act stopped the colonists from settling west, past the Appalachian. The reason why it stopped this is that Great Britain didn't own the land. Great Britain also wanted a better relationship with the Natives. This upset the colonists because they wanted to settle further west and couldn't. This caused resentment against Great Britain. -
Sugar Act
This act caused the taxation of sugar and molasses that wasn't from Britain. They did this to restrict who the colonists could buy from. Because of this act, the colonist grew hostile to Great Britain and felt that they were putting a restriction on their justice and trade. -
Currency Act
The Currency Act banned the colonists from making their own money. This was after Geat Britain left no gold or silver mines open and colonial government issued the "bills of public credit". These bills weren't real money but were used as currency. -
Stamp Act
This but taxes on paper, playing cards, dice, newspaper, and more. Once this act was passed, the colonist was upset and started boycotting British goods and attacking tax collectors. -
Quartering Act
This act allowed soldiers to stay in public homes of the colonist, without the owers of the homes refusing. It also made the owners take care of and feed the soldiers in their homes. The colonists responded by legally fighting the act because the act was against the Bill of Rights. -
Declaratory Act
The Declaratory act was issued when the Stamp Act failed. It helped show the colonies Britain's authority of making laws for the colonies. Britain didn't want to give up its hold of taxes on the colonies. The colonies didn't dispute against the act, but they did dispute the taxes that Britain placed. -
Townshend Act
This act placed taxes upon imported goods that were coming to America. Britain held a lot of power with this, and ended up abusing their power. In response to this occurring, the colonist thought it was unfair so they protested against the act. -
The Boston Massacre
What started as a fist fight between local workers and British soldiers, turned into a deadly massacre. It was a snowy evening when the fight started. The colonists started to throw snowballs at the soldier standing on guard at the King's Bank, and the soldier fell and called in backup, which lead to the violence escalating and causing a British Captain to call "fire" and lead to the massacre of 5 colonists. -
The Tea Act
The British started an act that taxed tea. -
The Boston Tea Party
This was a rebellion against the Tea Acts