
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation was made so the colonists wouldn't settle in land that they didn't have the resources to enforce the law in. The colonists ignored them and this was a start to the separation from the English
  • Sugar Act

    An act that added a tax on non-British that were shipped to the colonies. The act was repealed in 1765 due the fact that the colonists were sending an overwhelming amount of angry letters to Parliament. Repeals the molasses act. They now have people to enforce collecting the tax.
  • Quartering Act

    This Act required the Colonists to provide British troops with barracks. The colonists did not like this Act.
  • Stamp Act

    The stamp Acts was put in place to replace the sugar act. It was a direct tax on the colonist created to raise money for Britain. dozens of items were taxed and had to have a stamp on them to show proof of taxation.
  • Declaratory Act

    this Act was passed on the same day that the Stamp Act was repealed. this act was put in place to show that Britain was not letting the colonies have control. The act basically stated that Parliament could make laws binding the colonies under any circumstances.
  • Townshend Acts

    The Townshend Act put a tax on things like glass, lead, tea, paper, and paint. this acts angered the colonists enough to stop buying from Britain.
  • HMS Gaspee

    This British cutter was used to enforce the Stamp Act of 65 and the Townshend Acts. The cutter was lured off the coast of Rhode Island and ran it aground and they burned it.