acts imposed by Britain after french and indian war

  • stamp act

    Seeking to contain some of the costs of garrisoning the colonies, Parliament required all legal documents, newspapers and pamphlets to use watermarked paper
  • Period: to

    acts after the indian/french war

  • declaratory act

    Parliament finalises the repeal of the Stamp Act, but declares that it has the right to tax colonies
  • townshend act

    In 1766 Charles Townshend assumed the position of Chancellor of the Exchequer; he was an ally of Grenville and a strong supporter of colonial taxation, and decided to reattempt the collection of funds from British colonies.
    In 1767 Townshend proposed a new set of measures known as the Townshend Acts. The Acts were effective on November 20th
  • the tea act

  • intolerable acts

    Four measures which stripped Massachusetts of self-government and judicial independence following the Boston Tea Party. The colonies responded with a general boycott of British goods.