Actividad 3 linea del tiempo de la computadora

  • Invention

    It was created in the 1960s in the United States, inspired by the ideas of psychologist Skinner that emerged in the late 1950s. Now, it is linked to computer use in class and includes things like practice programs, digital encyclopedias, tutors and e-books. It's basically a set of educational tools on the computer!
  • Programming

    Making software was kind of a hard task back in those days. There weren't many organized methods, and people just created it on the spot for each specific thing. Not a lot of folks got to use it because it wasn't widely distributed. Most of the time, one person or a small group would be in charge of making and using the software,
  • Multi-media

    The student-teacher relationship is becoming more interactive, and information is stored on CDs. Universities are acquiring licenses to implement these advancements in classrooms.Computer systems are expanding, and computer software libraries are spreading
  • Internet

    High schools and colleges in the late 1990s increased efforts to expose students to the Internet before graduation. Most secondary and elementary schools installed computers with Internet access in classrooms and libraries. College administrations provided widespread broadband access to students on campus, and many professors began requiring the use of the Internet in college courses
  • E-learning

    In the 2000′s, businesses began using e-learning to train their employees. New and experienced workers alike now had the opportunity to improve upon their industry knowledge base and expand their skill sets. At home, individuals were granted access to programs that offered them the ability to earn online degrees and enrich their lives through expanded knowledge.
  • Social media

    Social media
    2010 was also the age of learning via social media. Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and LinkedIn made learning more accessible in the forms of blogs, Twitter threads, short videos, and documentaries
  • Online classes

    Online classes
    The most recent update in e-learning was with the pandemic, when everyone started having online classes, featuring new softwares such as zoom, classroom, edmodo, etc.