Endocrine system improves
At the age of 20 with an active lifestyle, healthy weight, proper blood sugar, and a happy lifestyle are results of an active lifestyle. -
Cardiovascular system improves
At the age of 30 with an active life style, blood vessels are cleared, a strong, efficient heart muscle that moves more blood per beat, and it also decreases and maintains blood pressure. Decrease risk of Type 2 diabetes and decrease risk of hypertension (or high blood pressure) occur at age 30. -
Immune system improves
At age 40 with an active lifestyle, this leads to a healthier lifestyle. The blood increases in volume as a person becomes more fit. The volume is not only for red blood cells, but white blood cells as well. The white blood cells are the germ fighting cells when germs invade the body. At age 40, it is a good time to look into your numbers for blood pressure, cholesterol levels, blood sugar and body weight because at this age, there is an increased risk of all these things occurring. -
Digestive system improves
At age 50 with an active lifestyle, a healthy weight and the waste removal is efficient. -
Skeletal system improves
At age 60 with an active lifestyle, you get stronger and more dense bones, fewer fractures, increased calcium in bones for less risk of osteoporosis, and improved join mobility for arthritic people. Weight-bearing activities promotes bone density.