Achievements in medicine

  • Immunizations

    Edward Jenner is the founder of vaccines in 1796. The vaccines were useful to many people as it helps fight off harmful viruses
  • Bionic Prosthetics

    Bionic Prosthetics
    An artificial limb doing a real limbs job. In 1858 the Doctor Bly's anatomical leg was invented by Douglas Bly
  • Nanomedicne

    A medicine founded by Richard Feynman that uses the knowledge of tools and nanotechnology that fights off negative diseases and viruses.
  • Artificial heart

    Artificial heart
    Dr. Robert Jarvik is the known inventor of the artificial heart. The artificial heart is used in replacement of the heart and does basically what a heart does. The heart is powered by compressed air and electricity
  • immunotherapy

    Immunotherapy for cancer helps reduce and slow down the cancer cells. It boosts the substances that helps fights off cancer cells. It was first used in the 1970’s
  • Gene editing

    Gene editing
    A process of deleting, and or replacing genetic material into a gene sequence.
  • Health tracker apps

    Health tracker apps
    Apps that monitor how hard you are pushing and lets you know if you are over pushing or if you could do better. It was invented in 1985 in Japan by Jiro Kato who researched the amount of steps it takes to having a healthy body which was the first contributor to creating health tracking apps.
  • Hepatitis C Cure

    Hepatitis C Cure
    Michael Sofia used drugs that helps the immune system to fight off Hepatitis. This has helped many lives.