I was born in San Salvador, El Salvador
Around 7 Am -
My First Graduation
The first time that I recived a degree and the first time I was in my own graduation. in Kinder of course. (The next year was the same in "Prepa" ) -
A Medal Of Good Behaviour
In my 5th grade I recived a medal of good behaviour ( I remember that I recived other one when I was in "Prepa" , but the memorie is a little blur , Maybe I dreamed it xD) -
Started Getting Medals
I recived a medal in the school (2nd P.) -
The Medal of 1st Place
In my 7th grade I recived a medal of 1st place :0
(The first and the only one until now xD) -
Other Medal
I recived other medal in my 8th grade and the next year other one in my last year of basic education -
Finally my team and me (in the school) won the 1st place of the competition in Soccer -
I Did Chat with My Favorite Rock Singer
Maybe it is not important to almost everybody but to me it was unforgettable. I talked with my favorite rock singer through Fb, I asked her some questions and recived the answer to each question .It was weird and a surprised because she doesn't use Fb very much -
I Started High Schhol
I started the studies in the high school ( a 3 years career in accountancy)