Rene Descartes birth
Known as the father of modern philosophy for proclaiming "I think therefore I am" -
Sigmund Freud birth
Was the father of psychoanalysis. -
William Wundt.
Founds the first experimental psychology lab in Leipzig, Germany, this is the moment psychology becomes its own field of study. -
Sigmund Freud
Begins treating patients in Vienna, Austria. -
Sigmund Freud
publishes "The Interpretation of Dreams" -
The British Psychological Society is formed.
Ivan Pavlov
Pavlovs dog becomes the first example of classical conditioning. -
Carl Jung
Published "The Psychology of Dementia Praecox". -
John Watson
Became a founder of the school of behaviourism. -
Jean Piaget
Publishes "The Moral Judgement of The Child". -
Electroconvulsive therapy is used for the first time.
Still used today. -
B.F. Skinner
Developed the theory of Operant Conditioning. -
Carl Rogers
Publishes Counselling and Psychology. -
Abraham Maslow
Publishes his theory of the hierarchy of human needs.