Abraham Lincoln was born in Kentucky.
His mother dies of a milk sickness.
Abraham becomes a candidate for Illinois General Assembly
He becomes postmaster of New Salem.
Elected to the Illinois State Legislature at 24 years old.
Re-elected to Illinois State Legislature for a fourth term.
He married Mary Todd in Springfield, Illinois.
His first son, Robert, is born.
Second son, Edward, is born.
Abraham is elected to U.S. Congress as Whig Representative from Illinois
Abraham and his family move to Washington.
He introduces the gradual emancipation bill for slaves.
His son, Edward, dies.
He has a third son named William.
His last son, Thomas, is born.
He makes speech in Peoria to oppose popular sovereignty
He recieved a nomination for president at a Republican Convention.
Abraham Lincoln is re-elected president
Abraham makes a second Inaugural Address speech.
Abraham is assassinated.