Chrome Book Distribution
Personalized Chrome Books for all 4th/5th graders. -
Staff Development on Chrome Books
Staff Development on Chrome Book usage -
Parent Training on Technology
Parent trainings held to familiarize parents with devices and check out procedures/insurance opportunities. -
Staff Development on Canvas/Google Docs
Staff Development on Canvas and Google Docs/Classroom -
Student Shared Work-Canvas/Google Docs Begins
Teachers begin to have students work on own devices and share work with class. -
Project Based Learning begins
Students begin project based learning opportunities. -
Project Based Learning - Presentations begin
Student begin to present group projects based on prior research activities. -
Ongoing Staff Development in technology in the classroom
Staff will participate in staff development over the summer to facilitate technology in classroom instruction. -
Replace desks with plug in station tables
LCAP monies is spent on replacing student desks in 4th and 5th grades to plug in stations for group work. -
Staff Development - Flipped Classroom
Staff Development on creating, organizing, and implementing a flipped classroom. -
Flipped Classroom Instruction begins
Teachers have begun implementation of flipped lessons for daily/weekly instruction.