Abraham Lincoln

By Karii12
  • Birth

    Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12 in Nolin Creek in Kentucky.
  • Moving

    The Lincon family moved to Pigeon Creek, Indiana
  • Sad Day

    The death of his mother, Nancy Hanks Lincoln
  • Thomas Lincoln wedding

    Thomas Lincoln marries a widow, Sarah Bush Johnston who becomes stepmother to Abraham Lincoln
  • Studies

    Abe starts to study law
  • Important days for Abraham Lincoln

    Abe has its first case before the Supreme Court of Illinois, is Reelected to the Illinois General Assembly and Mary Todd accepts his marriage proposal.
  • Depression

    Abe breaks off his engagement to Mary Todd Suffers from depression
  • Elections

    Abe is elected to the U.S. House of Representatives.
  • Candidacy

    Abraham Lincoln is elected as 16th U.S. president
  • Death

    Abrahn Lincon is killed