Political: Lincoln Recieves Law License
Lincoln received his law license and became a leader of the Whig party. He first practiced law in Springfield, Illinois. -
Political: Lincoln Attends Republican Convention
Lincoln attends first Republican national convention in Philadelphia and there he receives considerable support for being nominated and elected for vice-president. -
Social: Dred Scott Trial
Lincoln speaks out against the decision of the Dred Scott trial. This trial caused the Supreme Court to rule that the Missouri Compromise of 1820 to be unconstitutional because it violated the fifth amendment right which prohibits Congress from depriving persons of their property without due process of law. -
Political: Lincoln Nomintaed
Lincoln is nominated for President on the third ballot by the Republican National Convention in Chicago. If he wins the presidential election he will be the first Republican president of the United States. -
Political: Abraham Lincoln is Inaugurated
Abraham Lincoln is inaugurated as the sixteenth President of the United States and has become the first republican president. During the time between his election and when he is inaugurated, seven of the lower south states have succeeded. -
Military: Fire on Fort Sumter
In response to Lincoln trying to resupply Fort Sumter the confederate armies open fire on the fort from Charleston Harbor marking the unofficial beginning of the civil war. -
Military: Beginning of Civil War
Following the incident at Fort Sumter, Lincoln calls for 75,000 militiamen to come and fight for the union. This marks the official beginning of the Civil War. -
Military: Battle of Bull Run
The Battle of Bull Run takes place and the Confederate General Beauregard defeats the Union. This battle also sparks the Confederate troops to adopt a new flag as there was confusion between the Union and Confederate flags. -
Cultural: Slavery Abolished in D.C.
Abraham Lincoln, signed an act abolishing slavery in the district of Columbia. It was 'An important step in the long march towards freedom, citizenry & equal rights for African-Americans'. -
Economic: Homestead Act
The Homestead Act was a law that allowed Americans to purchase land at a minimum price, and was designed to help speed up the settlement of Western territories. Anyone over the age of 21 was eligible, icnluding women and freed slaves, as long as they did not take up arms against the United States -
Economic: Pacific Railroad Bill
Lincoln signs the Pacific Railroad Bill. The document endorses Central Pacific efforts to build the California railroad while also allowing the Pacific company to build on the west of the Missouri river. It gives each company 6,400 acres of land and also gives them 48,000 in bonds for each mile they built. Furthermore, it did not grant a meeting point for the two lines but the railways promised to be a way to help boost economy. -
Cultural: Emancipation Proclomation
The 'Emancipation Proclamation' was issued and was approved of by Lincoln. It 'threatened' to free all the slaves in the States and it freed all the slaves in the Confederacy -
Economic: National Bank Act
·Lincoln signs National Bank Act into law The main goal of this act was to create a single national currency and to eradicate the problem of notes from multiple banks circulating all at once. The Act established national banks that could issue notes which were backed by the United States Treasury and printed by the government itself. -
Social: Gettysburg Address
November 19, 1863: Lincoln delivers Gettysburg Address at dedication of national cemetery in honor of those who fell fighting for the unification of their country and acknowledging the bravery and sacrifice of all the soldiers who fought and were still fighting. -
Political: Increase in Republican Power
In congressional elections, the Republicans increase their power in both houses. They now hold majorities of 42-10 in the Senate and 149-42 in the House.November 1864 -
Political: Lincoln is Re-elected
Lincoln was re-elected president and was nominated by the National Union Party. Only one person, George B McClellan, ran against him. Lincoln won with over 400,000 votes. He was the first president to be re-elected since 1832 -
Political: Unsuccesful Peace Conference
Lincoln attends unsuccessful peace conference in Hampton Roads, Virginia which would have concluded the civil war. -
Social: Reconstruction
Lincoln makes last public speech, concerning question of reconstruction and how they should go about rebuilding and improving the south back to its former glory. -
Social: Lincoln Shot
Abraham Lincoln is shot by John Wilkes Booth while watching a play at the Fords' Theater in Washington, DC. -
Social: Lincoln is Dead
Abraham Lincoln is pronounced dead at 7:22 a.m. in the home of William Petersen and is buried on May 4th in Oak Ridge Cemetery, Springfield, Illinois, becoming the first president to ever be assasinated.