• Birth of Abraham

  • Lincoln becomes captain of the militia during Blackhawk war. That is where he gets his leadership skills. That is why he is a good leader.

  • Lincoln prepares for murder case. He prepares because he is responsible and really knows what he is doing.

  • Engaged to mary todd, Which helps him be honest and loyal to some one for forever.

  • Lincoln prepares for election. Because of his leadership he wanted to show people that he could be honest and loyal to his country.

  • Lincoln nominated for U.S. Congress, His ability to be in different jobs because he has so many skills in jobs.

  • lincoln moves to a house in D.C., he was elected and has to go be trained to be the president.

  • Lincoln gives speech in Mexico. To prepare for being president he needs to give speeches so people will vote for him.

  • Lincoln receives nomination of Rebuplicans

  • Lincoln goes to white house to train for president. Being president is a big role but he has the best job in the world and he is honest to all, he is loyal and deserves to be president.

  • Lincoln is assasinated in Theater