about me

  • born

    i was born in new yourk the day befor christmas eve at 4:30pm. every year my mom likes to celebrate my birthdat on christmas eve because the was when she woke up and her first time holding me.
  • the day my brother was born

    the day my brother was born
    when my brother was born i was so happy but i didnt know what was happening at the same time.
  • the war in lebenon

    the war in lebenon
    i think in 2004 a war in lebenon happened everybody was afraid and trying to run and save there children. but i wasnt because i just didnt know what was giong on. then after a week or to we left to sieria at that time there was no war there so we made it and we found a house. me my mom my cozins and there parents lived in that one house it wasnt a big house but we got along with each other.
  • when dad left tho america

    when dad left tho america
    when dad left to america he left there to get a good job and then have enough money to get us to america so he found a good job and 2 years later we sold our house in lebenon and went to arizona it was so much diffrent then lebenon.
  • when i first came to america

    when i first came to america
    to read morethe flight was like 16 hours when finaly got to arzona my dada was waithing for us he was in arizona for 2 years then we followed him.
  • my vacation in lebenon

    my vacation in lebenon
    to read moreme and my family went to lebenon for hour summer vaccation it was supposed to be 45 days. then my dad dicided to keep us in lebenon so he can go back to arizona and find a good job, also it was because my mom wanted to stay there for a while. so we ended up staying there for 6 mothes and i missed half of my 8th grade
  • my moms breast cancer

    my moms breast cancer
    to read morewhen my mom got her breast caner she came from the doctor and told us i didnt care i didnt know how seriouse breast cancer was. then she did the surgery with even telling us when she got out of the surgery i knew from her sister that mom had done a surgery and she was good. after the six monthes in lebenon we came back to arizona and she did her chemo therapy, after she did 13 she had 2 left but the goverement stopped her insurance. then she went to her doctor and he said it was ok.