about language

  • my birth

    my birth
    I was born in sant Cugat in 17/01/2000 at 23:30
    I was very tall and fat (54cm and 4,2kg)
  • my first word

    my first word
    my first word was mamapapa all together.
    I was 13 months when I said it.
  • first day in a school

    first day in a school
    I went to my first day of school in Sant Nicolau (bilingual school, catalan and spanish)
    I was happiest than my brothers.
  • first contact with English

    first contact with English
    They started teaching us some words in English like: the animals, the wheather, feelings and things like that… Now it’s very easy but the first contact with English was important.
  • first sentences

    first sentences
    I already knew some sentences in English, for example: how are you? Fine! Thanks! Very easy sentences to start a conversation that couldn’t really take me anywhere but well... I knew them.
  • primmary school

    primmary school
    It was time to go to primary. I wasn’t as happy as when I was in preschool. Now I’d have homework, if you could call it that... The would teach us, though, how yo read and write in Catalan, Spanish and English.
  • Birmingham

    We went to Birmingham, GB, with my family, for a week. As I was still very little to speak English, I always had to ask my mother to translate what they said or to tell them what kind of ice-cream I wanted (tub or cone)
  • London

    We went to London with my family and I at least already knew how to ask where the train station or subway station was.
  • France

    I went to Paris with my family and I tried to speak French. But tottally wrong..
  • learn English

    learn English
    I start to do English as an extra curricular activity in a language school in Sabadell to get the First Certificate, because it’s necessary for the future.