Abortion Timeline - Amelia Connor

  • Nation Wide Abortion Ban

    Nation Wide Abortion Ban
    In 1910, America saw a nationwide Abortion ban, the only exception is if the patients life is at risk. This is the firs that there was nationwide ban and made it only accessible to those who were white and wealthy. This ban was heavily supported by rich white men who wanted control over women's bodies.
  • Period: to

    Abortion Timeline Timespan

    These events occur between 1910 with the start of a nation wide abortion ban, and end with the overruling of Roe v. Wade. This topic is still very popular in American media, especially with the very recent overruling. The two sides are Pro-life, these people believe life starts at conception and that abortion should be banned. The other side is Pro-choice, which have the beliefs that women have the right to choose to have an abortion.
  • Colorado on Abortion

    Colorado on Abortion
    In 1967, Colorado makes it possible for women to get abortions. This is the first state to do so, at this time 49 states considering getting an abortion a felony. The abortions must be performed if rape, incest, or where the pregnancies is risking the woman's life. They also gave funds for women in poverty to have access to abortions.
  • Roe v. Wade Case

    Roe v. Wade Case
    The Supreme Court made the 7-2 decision that women had the right to abortion. It also set up a trimester timeline for states on how many restrictions they could put on women during pregnancy. This court case said that women had the privacy to an abortion and the constitution gave them this. This the first major time women had a protection for abortion.
  • Webster v. Reproductive Health Services

    Webster v. Reproductive Health Services
    This case declared that the government did not need to fund the facilities needed to perform abortions. This case helped solidify that the states had control over abortion.
  • Brookline Clinic Shootings

    Brookline Clinic Shootings
    John Salvi was an extreme anit-abortionist who walked into 2 abortion clinics in Brookline with a rifle. He killed two peoples and injured 5 others. This event showcased how extreme people will become with heavy topics like abortion. It showcased how sesitive the topic was and how serious it was being taken.
  • Texas Six-week law

    Texas Six-week law
    This was a law passed in Texas that stated women couldn't get an abortion after 6-weeks. The law stated that abortions couldn't happen after cardiac activity is detected. Many felt this wasn't right as this is too early for women to know they are pregnant and is basically a ban against abortion for most women.
  • Roe v. Wade Over Ruling

    Roe v. Wade Over Ruling
    This was a Supreme court ruling that gave the states the power to regulate abortion. This allows states to decide their own restrictions over abortion, this was high controversial as many felt this would lead to unethical ways of performing abortions because their states had created a ban.
  • Citations

    Parenthood, P. (2022). Historical abortion law timeline: 1850 to Today. Planned Parenthood Action Fund. Retrieved September 14, 2022, from https://www.plannedparenthoodaction.org/issues/abortion/abortion-central-history-reproductive-health-care-america/historical-abortion-law-timeline-1850-today
  • Citations

  • Citations

    Students for Life of America. (2022, March 9). History of abortion. Students For Life of America. Retrieved September 14, 2022, from https://studentsforlife.org/learn/history-of-abortion/