The Day of the Mourning
Australia Day has different meanings to individual Australians. Some celebrate the of landing of the first fleet at Sydney Cove (1788). The day of the Mourning to Indigenous Australians means degradation and mistreatment by the white settlers, the loss of their land, their culture and their rights. -
Granting of Federal Vote.
The Aboriginal granting for voting rights since the 1850s, but wasn't until 1962. In March 1962, Liberal and Country Party Government finally gave the right to vote to all Aboriginal people. In the same year Western Australia gave them the state vote, followed by Queensland in 1965, which had lead to alll Aboriginal had the full and equal voting rights for Australia. -
Freedom Rider
A group of University of Sydney students organised a bus tour around New South Wales. They wanted to fraw public attetion to the poor state of Aboriginal health, edcation and housing. A national figure in the fight for Aboriginal rights. -
Referendum did not give the Aboriginals and Torres Strait Island people the righ to vote, had no equal rights and did not grant them citizenship for the Indigenous Australian. -
Stolen Generation
Stolen generation was also known as "stolen Children". Children of the Aboriginals and Torres Straits Islanders were removed from their parents. White people did this to the Aboringals because they wanted to to get rid of the Aboriginal problems and hoping to end the Aboriginal culture and their future. White Australians thought, Aboriginal genes would have been "bred out" when Aboriginals have childern with white people. -
Tent Embassy
Four Aboriginal men claiming to represent the political rights of Aboriginal Austalians by camping outside Pauliament house in Canberra. Aboriginal people demanded land rights for the area they lived on. -
Land Rigts & Vincent Lingiari
Vincent Lingiari is a representative of the Gurindji people. Ligiari had lead 200 of his people to demanded better pay, protection of the Aboriginal women and land rights. Vincent was tired of the Aboriginals being "treated like dogs". On August 16th the Prime Minister Gough Whitlam returned the tradional land in the nortern Territory to the gurindji people. -
Eddie Mabo
Eddie Mabo (or Edward Koiki Mabo) was born on Murray island in 1936. Eddie was adopted by his uncle and shortly following his mother's death. Eddie moved from the island when he was 16 and worked in northern Queensland and Torres Strait before settling in Townsville with his family in 1962. He was elected as president of Yumba Meta. In 1982 Eddie and four other islanders admted legal action claiming ownership of their lands on Murray Island but his claim to the land was rejected. -
Redfern Speech (Paul Keating)
Paul Keating was the Prime Minister of Australia. He was the first Prime Minister to respond to the impact of the European settlement on Indigenous Australians. Paul Keating Redfern speech lead the way for an apology to the Indigenous Australians for the past government practices, an apology which got 15 years to apologise -
"Bringing Them Home" Report
The report was a tribute to many thousands of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with their stregth and struggles who was affected by forcible removal of their land and their rights by the European settlement. The report was acknowledge for the sacrifices they have made, to remeber all the childern who will never come back home to their families. -
Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People
High Commissioner for Human RIght hsd welcomed the adoption of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of the Indigenous People. For the Indigenous people to have the rights for their culture, identity, rights for education, health, emoployment, languages and other righs. -
Kevin Rudd's Apology
Apologising for the mistreatment of the land, their rights and especially the removal of the aborginal and Torres Strait Islanders childern from their families, their communities and their country. The apolgy for the conflicted and mess they have caused for the Indigenous people.