royal proclamation
royal proclamatoin the original document which stated that the british is taking the land but left them some land and fishing and hunting rights -
reserve system
indian act
fist natoins were givin hunting and fishing rights and peices of land but had to give up parts of there culture -
aboriginal right to universal suffrage
aboriginal people were able to become canadian but have to get rid of there indian status and could not live on he reserves -
national indian brotherhood and native council in canada was made
a group of people that make make choices for the people living on the reserves -
white paper
a white paper is what the government puts forwanrd for discussoins.
so they got rid of reserves and gave them no taxes and make it so they are not a distinct peope anymore. they said no and came backt ot the government with the red paper -
residential system abolished but not all closed
most of the schools closed but not all, band schools were made were kids could go and learn there own lanuage but they were still far away from the reserves so kids would get home sick -
assembly of first nations
the NIB then became the assembly of first nations which is what handles all land claims -
movemont toward self goverment
they beleive that it is there right to have self governemt and want to be able to controll ther own education system, health care, and the right to control traditoinal land -
passing of bill C-31
this gave the right to aboriginal people to live on reserves -
the Oka Standoff
the govenment takes wants the land but the first naitons claim that it was sacrid land and they bought the land off of them at the end and gave it back to the first nations -
Meech Lake Accord
the fist natoins wanted to have a special status just like the people from Quebec got -
Nisga treaty
the government gave this aboriginal group a ig piece of land and 190 million dollars and the nisga people agreed to pay tax becuase of all of the good things that the government gave them -
Ipperwash Ontario
the first nations took back an army base that used to belong to them before it was taken durign world war 2 -
gustafasen lake standoff
first nations people took back land that they said was sacred land. -
delgamuluukw case