Aboriginal Life (1788 - 1900)

By shardi
  • The First Fleet Arrives

    The First Fleet Arrives
  • diseases

    Within weeks of the first colonists' arrival – was a wave of European epidemic diseases such as chickenpox, smallpox, influenza and measles, which spread in advance of the frontier of settlement.
  • Period: to

    Population Decreases

    The combination of disease, loss of land and direct violence reduced the Aboriginal population by an estimated 90% between 1788 and 1900.
  • Slavery

    After the first settlery came to australia the took the aboriginals as their slaves.
  • The death of 28 black people

    The death of 28 black people
    In 1838 8 white men were hung over the death of 28 black men. This was the first time something like this had happend.
  • Gold rush

    In the 1850's Australia had the gold rush. Aboriginal men, women and childern worked. there were not paid much money but they were given food, clothes and other basic stuff.
  • the first australian cricket team

    the first australian cricket team
    the first australian cricket team was made up of aboriginals. They went and toured england in 1868
  • The tasmania Aboriginal people

    The tasmania Aboriginal people
    Nearly all of them (tasmainia aboriginals), apparently numbering somewhere between 2 000 and 15 000 when white settlement began, were dead by the 1870s.
  • Trugernanner

    Trugernanner was the last 'full blood' aboringinal to die in tasmainia.