
Aboriginal fight for justice

  • Meeting of aboriginals

    Meeting of aboriginals
    On Austraila day, a meeting of aboriginals was held in Sydney.
  • More visible during world war II

    More visible during world war II
    Awareness of second status indiginous Austrailians became much more obious to the public as a result of world war II
    - worked in airforces
    - moved into towns to work in war town industrys
  • Freedom riders demand equal treatments

    Freedom riders demand equal treatments
    Aboriginal activists, made a bus tour through New South Wales, and protested about discrimination.
  • Guringji people demand a better deal

    Guringji people demand a better deal
    200 workers walked off wave hill cattle station, becuase they wanted better wages etc...
  • White voters demand better deal for first Australians.

    White voters demand better deal for first Australians.
    Post 90% yes vote the government gave indiginous people the right to vote and be counted in censuses
  • Aboriginal tent embassy set up in Canberra

    Aboriginal tent embassy set up in Canberra
    The Embassy said the blacks were now going to get up and fight back on the issues of education, health, police victimisation, etc...
  • Land rights to be granted to first Australians

    Land rights to be granted to first Australians
    Government commison recommeded Aboriginals should get back the land where they now lived and had tradionally lived.
  • First Aboriginals land rights act

    First Aboriginals land rights act
    Gave the indiginous people some areas of adrid and largely useless land. Other land claims were often thrown out by courts.
  • Eddie Mabo ends terra nullius

    Eddie Mabo ends terra nullius
    in 1992 the High Court agreed saying that 'terra nullius' was wrong and racist. So the 1993 Native Title Act allowed Indignous australians to claim land rights.
  • The march across Sydney Harbor Bridge.

    The march across Sydney Harbor Bridge.
    In May 2000 250,000 people walked across Sydney Harbor Bridge. Holding signs critical to the primeminsters refusal to say 'sorry' to indiginous australians
  • Prime Minister says 'sorry'

    Prime Minister says 'sorry'
    On Feburary 13th primeminister Kevin Rudd said sorry to Aboriginals, and Torris Strait islanders people. wghose lives had been hurt majorally by the 'Stolen Generations'
  • Indiginous Australians Voice refundom for Parliment

    Indiginous Australians Voice refundom for Parliment
    On October 14th 2023 a constitutional refundom was held for the Voice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander in parliment, was rejected with a 60% 'No' vote.