Aboriginal fight for human rights

  • The stolen generation

    The stolen generation
    The stolen generation was when many mixed Europeans and Aborigines were stolen from their family to go to Christian Mission schools. The White Australians were breeding out the culture in Aborigines, and making them dress like like white children and be civilized. The whites were trying to make the Aborigines to die out.
  • Aborigines claim citizen rights

    Aborigines claim citizen rights
    On Australia day 1938, Aboriginals held a meeting to create a document. Which gave Aborigines human/citizen rights, the Aboriginals protested nation wide saying "Your claim that you are trying to 'protect us', but your modern policy of so-called 'protection' is killing us off just as surely as the pioneer policy of giving us poisoned damper and shooting us like dingoes!
    We ask only for justice, decency and fair play."
    The protest was spread through papers and White Australians took notice.
  • Bombs hit Australia

    Bombs hit Australia
    World war 2 triggered mass immigrations to Australia. The bombing of Darwin, the Battle of the Coral Sea, a submarine attack in Sydney Harbour increased a threat of 'Asian Invasion'. Australians felt the need to have a bigger population to defend the country.
  • More people WANTED for working.

    More people WANTED for working.
    An immigration program was made, offering cheap fares, houses, and jobs to British and Irish immigrants. This spread to other countries like Italy, Greek, and Yugoslavs. Soon enough migrants arrived in large numbers.
  • European migrants arrive

    European migrants arrive
    Between 1950-1980 a boatload of Europeans arrived to start a new life in the 'Lucky country'. 60% had come over for a contract to work for two years. Many settled in cheap areas of Sydney and Melbourne where they worked in family businesses or low paying jobs.
  • Gurundji demand better deals

    Gurundji demand better deals
    Gurindj people wanted better wages and conditions, and their traditionally lands back. The Gurundji eventually gained ownership of the area in 1985.
  • White voters demand a better deal for first Australians

    White voters demand a better deal for first Australians
    After a vote the government gave Indigenous Australians the right to vote and be counted in censuses, and ended the protection policies.
  • End of White Australian Policy

    End of White Australian Policy
    Between 1958 and 1974 the White Australian policy was fading out. Restrictions based on race, colour and ethnic background were gradually removed.
  • Eddie Mabo ends terra nullius

    Eddie Mabo ends terra nullius
    Some Torres Strait Islanders, led by Eddie Mabo challenged the lands claimed by Britain. Their people had inhabited Murray Island for thousands of years and so were the rightful owners. In 1992 the High Court greed saying that terra nullius was wrong and racist. So the 1993 Native Title Act allowed Indigenous Australians to claim land rights.
  • The march across Sydney Harbour bridge

    The march across Sydney Harbour bridge
    On May 2000 there was a petition for the president to apologize to Aboriginals for the events that happened in the past. However the Prime minister refused, which made people protest even more.
  • Let's Celebrate!!!

    Let's Celebrate!!!
    Now Australians are proud of their multicultural society, now celebrating their ethnic mix. There are streets, markets, festivals (Chinese New year, Italian Lygon Festa.) Some adopt religions like Buddhism and Islam, maybe trying martial arts like Judo, Karate. Even trying cultured foods like Pizza, Bagels, Tacos, Sushi. These cultures are all from 1850 gold seekers, British Irish migrants, postwar European migrants, 1970 Asian migrants.
  • National Apology Day

    National Apology Day
    National Apology is the day when the Australian government apologised for the incidents and mishaps about the Indigenous and Settler Australians relations. National Apology day this year was Sunday, February 13th . Next year 2023 Monday, February 13th.