
  • HM

    Horace Mann has been studying law for 14 years. Mann won his first election to the Massachuetts House of Representatives in 1827.
  • ST

    Truth was freed after New York abolished slavery
  • AG: wrote a letter

    Angelina Grimke wrote an letter against slavery that William Lloyd Garrison published in his aboritionist newspaper, the liberator.
  • AG:

    Wrote an abolitionist pamphlet an appeal to the christian women of the south
  • AG 2

    Provoking a rebuke from ministers against their unwomonly behavior.
  • HM

    wanted states help for mentally ill people and passing the landmark education bill
  • AG

    Appeal to the women of the nominally free state.
  • ST

    She worked with a religious missionary and throughout the streets she preached and traveled throuthout eastern states as an evangelist
  • FD: 'The Narritive of the Life of Frederick Douglass' Published

    Frederick Douglass publishes his autobiography, detailing the hardships and stuggles of early life as a slave and later trying to become educated
  • FD: Appointed US Marshall of DC

    Frederick Douglass is mad US Marshall of the District of Columbia by President Rutherford B. Hayes