Abbys WWI timeline

By araasch
  • Franz Ferdinand assassinated

    Archduke Franz Ferdidnand and his wife Sophie were assassinated in Serajevo, Bosnia by Gavrilo Princip.
  • Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia

    Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia
    After the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, Austria-Hungary blamed Serbia for the murder. Austria-Hungary sends harsh demands to the Serbian government. Serbia refused the demands and Austira-Hungary declares war on Serbia.
  • Russia mobilizes armed forces

    Russia mobilizes armed forces
    Because of the Alliance System, Russia knew that Germany was against them now so the mobilized their forces or gathered resources and prepared for war.
  • Germany declares war on Russia

    Germany declares war on Russia
    To help its ally Austria-Hungary and to honor the Triple Entente, Germany declares war on Russia.
  • Germany declares war on France

    Germany declares war on France
    Also knowing that Russia was siding with France in their Triple Alliance, Germany desides to declare war on France.
  • Germany invades Belgium

    Germany invades Belgium
    Germny hoped to wipe out the French troops in Belgium in very little time. Instead, Belgium put up a great battle delaying Garmany's way to get into Paris, but enabling French and British troops to mobilize. This battle lasted 3 weeks!
  • Briatian declares war on Germany

    Briatian declares war on Germany
    Since Germany declared war on France, Britains ally, Britain has to honor the Alliance system.
  • Austria-Hungary declares war on Russia

    Austria-Hungary declares war on Russia
    While Russia is trying to its allies of Frace and Britain, Austria-Hungary is fighting against them and has to keep its ties with Germany. Therefore Austria-Hungary declares war on Russia.
  • France and Britain declare war on Austria-Hungary

    France and Britain declare war on Austria-Hungary
    Since Austria-Hungary just declared war on Russia, France and Britains ally, they now need to declare war on Austria-Hungary because of the Alliance system
  • Japan joins the war

    Japan joins the war
    Japan was a rival of Germany in Asia so it joined the Allies who were fighting against Germany.
  • The Battle of Marne begins

    The Battle of Marne begins
    The Battle of Marne was about 15 miles from Paris. This battle boosted the French morale. Neither side was going to win this war easily.
  • The Battle of Marne ends

    The Battle of Marne ends
    This battle saved the Germans from invading Paris. After the Battle of Marne, armies started to use trenches which are deep ditches dug to protect the soldiers from artillery shells.
  • The Ottoman Empire joins the Central Powers

    The Ottoman Empire joins the Central Powers
    The Ottoman Empire completed the Central Powers that now consists of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire.
  • Gemany blockades the US from Britain

    Gemany blockades the US from Britain
    The Germans used their submarines and wouldnt let any boats in or out of Britains ports denying access to supplies, food, and goods. This made it tough for the US.
  • Poison gas is used

    Poison gas is used
    Poison gas was very deadly and effective. Troops had to start wearing masks.Poison gas could seriously injure or even kill you.
  • Germany sinks the Lusitania

    Germany sinks the Lusitania
    A British passenger liner, the Lusitania, was sunk by Germany's torpedoes killing 1000 people. Of the 1000, 128 Americans were killed. The ship sank in about 15 minutes.
  • Italy joins the war

    Italy joins the war
    Refusing to honor its alliance with Germany and Austria-Hungary, Italy joins war with the Allies. It was promised in Austria after the war was over.
  • Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary

    Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary
    Italy wanted some of Austria's land and it had to honor its alliance with the Allies. So, Italy declares war on one of the Central powers, its enemy.
  • First tanks were used

    First tanks were used
    In January of 1916, tanks started to be used in warfare. This was one of the most powerful weapons in the war.
  • The Battle of Verdun begins

    The Battle of Verdun begins
    The Battle of Verdun was one of the bloodiest and longest battles of the whole war. Over 750,000 French and German troops lost their lives.
  • Battle of Somme begins

    Battle of  Somme begins
    Lots of people died in the Battle of Somme too, but the Allies only gained 7 miles.
  • Battle of Somme ends

    Battle of Somme ends
    This battle was held in France. THe allies one but did'nt gain much land.
  • The battle of Verdun ends

    The battle of Verdun ends
    Both sides used trench warfare and launched major offensives. This battle took place in northeastern France.
  • First Submarines are used

    First Submarines are used
    The very first submarines are used on both sides of the war to fight in the water.
  • Russians overthrow government

    Russians overthrow government
    The Bolsheviks overthrew the monarchy government in Russia. Their leader was Vladimir Lenin.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    The treaty of Brest-Litovsk was between Russia and the Central Powers that declared Russia's exit from the war.
  • Selective Service Act is passed

    Selective Service Act is passed
    This law was passed to raise an army for the US to prepare for war.
  • Woodrow Wilson goes to Congress

    Woodrow Wilson goes to Congress
    President Woodrow Wilson went to Congress to ask for war against Germany. Most of Congress agreed.
  • US joins the war

    US joins the war
    The US joins the Allies in the war. The Germans were afraid that we'd join the war because of our power and and military.
  • American troops land in France

    American troops land in France
    France gave a very exciting, warm welcome to the American troops when they came in to help. The Americans had a huge impact on the war.
  • Russia signs armistice with Germany

    Russia signs armistice with Germany
    Vladimir Lenin signed out of the war and Russia and Germany were at peace.
  • Woodrow Wilson reveals "Fourteen Points" for peace

    Woodrow Wilson reveals "Fourteen Points" for peace
    Wilson elaborated on his plan of "national self-determination". The other countries liked the plan but didnt know how to carry it out by themselves.
  • Russia withdraws from the war

    Russia withdraws from the war
    With its new communist government and the Bolsheviks in control, Russia made an agreement with Germany and withdraws from the war.
  • Germany and Austria-Hungary begin their last great offensive

    Germany and Austria-Hungary begin their last great offensive
    They pushed the allies back 40 miles on their way to Amiens and then on to Paris.
  • Germany and Austria-Hungary's last great offensive ends

    Germany and Austria-Hungary's last great offensive ends
    It started to look as if Germany might win the war. But then American troops started coming in and helped turn it around.
  • AEF

    The American Expeditory Force battled Germany at Chateau-Thierry on the Marne River.Then they went on to Belleau Wood. The AEF fought through machine guns and forests.
  • Battle of the Argon Forest

    Battle of the Argon Forest
    Was held just west of Verdun in a thick, muddy, rainy forest. Both sides had to go through barbed wire, machine guns, fire, and both sides lost many lives. The Allies advanced.
  • Germany government suggests armistice

    Germany government suggests armistice
    Germany realizes that they only have a small chance of winning the war so they suggest an armistice to end the fighting. Wilson gives Germany some punishments and certain conditions about the armistice.
  • Germany signs armistice

    Germany signs armistice
    Germany signs armistice and accepts their punishment to pay for the war and agree to the terms.

    THE WAR IS OFFICIALLY OVER but the war at home has just begun...