Abby time toast

By aphe5th
  • Period: to

    The intolerable acts

    The intolerable acts were when the british made an abundance of laws. Some of them included closing the harbor until all the lost tea (see boston tea party) was paid for. People helped the colonists survive by sending food and money. The colonists were furios so they set out to have this and all the laws repealed.
  • The stamp act

    The stamp act
    The stamp act was when the parliment passed a law thatmade settlers pay a tax for paper. They had to pay for all items made of paper. The colonists did not like it. Not only didthey not have asay in it but the taxers were hounding them. So they made a pact to not buy any british goods. This hurt the british goverment. So they repealedthe law.
  • The quartering act

    The quartering act
    The quartering act is whaen the british were told to protect the colonists in the french and indian war. After the war the colonists needed to pay for thier protection, but the french wanted alot of money. The colonists didnot pay for the army. The french decided to make the colonists payby housing or giving the soldiers quartersto stay in. This law was passed by the british parliment. They had to tend to the soldiers every need the colonists did not like this so they treated the soldiers badly.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre happend when a quadrent of seven soldiers had a mob of very angry settlers. They were angry but not dangerous. The soldiers thought that the colonists were going to attack them. One of the soldiers sayed he heard the word fire! So the soldiers attacked killing five people and wounding six others.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party was when the british repealed all tax laws but the tea tax. The colonists loved tea but would not buy it from the british. So the british made a law that the colonists could only buy tea from the british east india company. Although the price of tea went down the colonists were still enraged. So some of the colonists planned to dress as indians and board a ship that currently housed tea and dump it into the harbor! The plan was exacuted and over 90,000 pounds of loose tea