Abby Bustamante, U.S History Timeline.

  • Sep 20, 1519

    Around the world.

    Around the world.
    Ferdinand Magellan, is known as the first sea captain to sail around the world, with five other ships, but, only one ship returned. He wasn't in the ship.
  • Capitol Building.

    Capitol Building.
    Our first president of the United staed, laid the cornerstone in the capitol building. ( George Washington )
  • The Battle of Lake Erie.

    The Battle of Lake Erie.
    Captain Oliver Perry defeated the British navy. Britain's history that one of its fleets had surrendered. Helped the U.S.
  • Sad Day For Inidans

    Sad Day For Inidans
    Tecumseh. Great leader of the Sawnee Indians, died in battle. He wanted to drive the white settlers from the lands that belonged to the the Indians.
  • Star Spangled Banner

    Star Spangled Banner
    National anthem of the United States. Written by Francis Scott Key.
  • Sam Houston

    Sam Houston
    He became the first President of the Republic of Texas.
  • Jesse James

    Jesse James
    He was famous for being a outlaw bank and train robber, and cold blooded killer.
  • Walter Reed

    Walter Reed
    Looking for the carrier of the disease called 'Yellow Fever'.
  • Jane Addams

    Jane Addams
    She helped the poor. Because of her new laws were passed to help workers, women and children.
  • John Pershing

    John Pershing
    Was put in charge of the American army. His job was to organize all American forces and to get his soldiers trained. After the war, he was giving the higest rank of any American army offiicer. Got a rank for the General of the Armies of the United States.
  • James Naismith

    James Naismith
    He invented Basketball.The only major sport that can be called truly American. It is only major sport that was developed in the United States. Not even baseball can be called truly American.
  • William Sydney Porter. 'O.Henry'

    William Sydney Porter. 'O.Henry'
    He is famous for writting short stories.
  • The Mary Celeste

    The Mary Celeste
    One of the great unsolved mysteries of all time.
  • James Garfield.

    James Garfield.
    Killed at a railroad in Washington D.C. Was shot.
  • Pablo Picasso

    Pablo Picasso
    Best painter in 1900's and also a great sculptor.
  • Gunfight At The Ok Corral

    Gunfight At The Ok Corral
    A famous gunfight took place in Tombstone AZ. The gunfight was between Earp brothers, their friend Doc Holliday and a band of outlaws.
  • Eleanor Roosevelt

    Eleanor Roosevelt
    She was a very unhappy women, yeah she was very wealthy but she didnt like the way her mother felt about her. She was not a pretty child, her mother on the other hand was very beautiful. Eleanor was an embarrassment to her mother.
  • Geroge Eastman

    Geroge Eastman
    Invented the Kodak. Recieved a patent for the first roll-film camera.
  • Montana

    Became the 41st state. Only the states of Alaska, Texas, and California are larger than Montana. It is nicknamed the treasure State. Cause of the valuable minerals such as gold, silver, and copper.
  • First Gasoline Automobile

    First Gasoline Automobile
    Frank Duryea and his brother Charles built the first successful American-made, gasoline powered automobile.
  • First Pane Tragedy

    First Pane Tragedy
    The victim of the crash was thomas Selfridge. A lieutenant in the U.S Signal Corps.
  • First Coast-To-Coast Flight

    First Coast-To-Coast Flight
    Calbraith Rodgers landed his airplane in Pasadena, California, and became the first person to fly across the united states.
  • Jesse Owens

    Jesse Owens
    Considered the fastest human.
  • Panama Canal

    Panama Canal
    President Woodrow Wilson pressed a button in his White House office and caused an explosion 4,000 miles away. The blast 1,600 pounds of dynamite helped clear a mass of earth and rock so workers in panama could continue building the Panama canal. The canal is very important because it lets ships travel between the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.
  • Alvin York

    Alvin York
    An American soldier single-handedly captured an entire battalion of German soldiers. Became famous as a Sergeant York.
  • Black Sox Scandal

    Black Sox Scandal
    Eight Chicago White Sox players became known as the ''Black Sox''. They took money from gamblers to le t the reds win the series.
  • James Earl Carter, Jr.

    James Earl Carter, Jr.
    The 39th President of the United States.
  • Jim Henson

    Jim Henson
    Creator of the muppets. Created them for television.
  • United Nations Day

    United Nations Day
    The purpose of the United Nations is to work for world peace.
  • Charlie Brown

    Charlie Brown
    Leading character in the comic strip ''Peanuts''.
  • Sputnik 1

    Sputnik 1
    The Russians sent into space a manmade satellite named Sputnik 1. This marked the beginning of the space age.
  • Trapped Miners

    Trapped Miners
    The earth shook under a small mining town in Canada. When the earth stopped shaking, 24 miners were found dead. After the count, they leaned that 69 men were trapped 4,000 feet below ground. They found 19 more the next week, they thought it was a miracle that they survived.
  • Nixon-Kennedy Debate

    Nixon-Kennedy Debate
    First presidential election debate.
  • Warren Commission

    Warren Commission
    His report was released to people, of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
  • Woody Guthrie

    Woody Guthrie
    America lost a great song writer named Woody Guthrie. He wrote songs about the poor people and the world in which they lived.
  • Sandra Day O'Connor

    Sandra Day O'Connor
    First woman to serve as an associate justice on the Supreme Court of the United States.
  • Columbus Day

    Columbus Day
    500th anniversary of Christopher Columbus discovery of a strange new land. The new land Columbus discovered later became America.
  • Leif Ericson

    Leif Ericson
    many people believe that Ericson was the first person to discover America nearly 500 years before Columbus.