336 BCE
Alexander Crowned King of Macedonia after father is slain by Bodyguard
Alexander was 20 when a bodyguard murdered his father;Phillip II
He became King of Macedonia -
334 BCE
Kill Darius 3 (King of Persia) Attempt #1
Alexander crosses the Hellespont to Anatolia so he could Kill Darius 3 (King of Persia) and conquer Persia, Darius 3 (King of Persia) sent generals, who he quickly defeated -
333 BCE
Kill Darius 3 (King of Persia) Attempt #2
Darius 3 (King of Persia) Shows up and fights him at Issus, and even though Darius 3 (King of Persia) has a larger army, Alexander wins with the Phalanx formation his dad made, Darius 3 (King of Persia) Escapes,, but Alexander gets his wife and children. -
333 BCE
Darius 3 (King of Persia) Attempts a peace treaty for half of his land on the east
Alexander declines the treaty and challenges Darius 3 (King of Persia) to keep fighting -
331 BCE
Battle of Gaugamela
Macedonians vs Persians
Darius 3 (King of Persia) Flees and Dies
Alexander is (King of Persia) -
331 BCE
Alexander Conquers Egypt
Alexander Conquers Egypt, but doesn't rule it or "Make it Greece" -
324 BCE
Alexander (King of Persia) vs the east
Alexander keeps going east, and conquering everyone until Indus Valley, He lived happily and Married the daughter of Darius 3 (ex-King of Persia) Roxanne -
324 BCE
Alexander (King of Persia,Egypt,Iraq,Iran, Etc) Dies
He was sick and died because of his sickness.