France Experienced many kinds of Trouble (year 1786)
picture from: France experimented with a lot of economic trouble, the high prices of taxes made it very difficult to run any business. Also, the price of living was rising very fast and, bad weather caused crops to fail. Marie Antoinette was spending a lot of money on her gowns and Lois had inherited a lot of debts from previous kings. In 1786, bankers refused to lend any more money to the government, and in consequence of this, Louis faced many problems. This was important because it caused even more instabi -
Period: to
A Walk Through the French Revolution
Meeting of the Estates General
picture from: Instead of lowering his expenses, Louis decided to tax the nobility. The Second Estate forced him to make a meeting of the Estates General (assembly of representatives from the three estates) in order to approve this new tax. It was the first one held in 175 years, on May 5, 1789. This was important because this meeting allowed the three Estates to make changes in the government. -
National Assembly Was Established
The delegates of the Third Estate agreed on picture from ideas. They voted and established the National Assembly, which put an end to the absolute monarchy and changed it to a representative government. This was important because it was the first act of revolution. -
The Storming of The Bastille
picture from:There were many rumours going on about King Louis using military power to “dismiss the National Assembly,” as well as others. Many people gathered their weapons in order to prepare themselves for an attack. On July 4, 1789, an angry group of people who were searching for gunpowder and weapons attacked the Bastille, which was a Prison in Paris. They defeated the guards and walked around the streets with some of the Guards heads on sticks. This was an important event because to French people, The -
The Old Regime Was Destroyed
picture from: On the night of August 4, 1789, noblemen made many speeches talking about their love for liberty and equality. They were mostly motivated by fear, and many joined the National Assembly who took away the “Feudal privileges of the First and Second Estates.” In the morning, the Old Regime no longer existed. This was important because this new act, took away the privileges the First and Second Estates had, in consequence, it made the three estates more equal. -
Creation of Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
picture from: The National Assembly adopted many revolutionary ideas, which was called the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. This document was very similar to the Declaration of Independence (USA,) it stated that citizens were born free and with equal rights, liberty, prosperity and security were some of the rights included in the document. However, it did not apply to women yet. This was important because there was finally a document which protected the rights of man. -
Women Bread Riot
picture from:Thousands of Parisian women made riots over the cost of bread. With many weapons, they marched to Versailles. They demanded that the National Assembly took action and provided bread. Then, their anger turned to the King and Queen. They broke into the palace, killing many of the guards. The women demanded that both Louis and Marie Antoinette returned to Paris, they both agreed and headed over to Paris. This was important because their exit from Versailles signaled a change a the radical reforms t -
During the year of 1790: The Assembly Reforms France
picture from: The National Assembly, based on revolutionary ideas created the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. It talked about some of the rights man should have. Also, the assembly took over the Church, and declared they should be elected was well as paid as state officials. This was important because it was a very radical/ big change in France. -
Royal Family Tries to Escape France
picture from:The royal family tried to escape from France to Austria, Netherlands. As they got close to the border they got caught up by guards, who took them back to Paris. This was an important event because it increased the hate from his radical rivals, “which sealed his faith.” -
National Assembly creates a new constitution
picture from:The National Assembly, created the new constitution, which Louis hesitantly agreed to. This new constitution made a limited monarchy type of government, which took a lot of power away from the king. This new constitution as well created the Legislative Assembly, which had the power to create laws as well as reject or approve declarations of war, the king still had executive power over them, which meant he made the final decisions. This was important because it was a radical change in the governm -
Legislative Assembly Declared war on Austria and Prussia
picture from:Many countries in Europe saw the radical changes going on in France. They were afraid their citizens might be influenced by these ideas. Austria and Prussia demanded that France gave King Louis his power/position back as an absolute monarch, to which the Legislative Assembly, declared war. This was important because when the war began, it brought even more chaos into France, it also shows that the power of Enlightenment ideas was so powerful some countries were afraid of them -
Royal Family Gets Imprisoned
The war began very fast. Prussia threatened France to destroy Paris, if the revolutionaries hurt any member of the royal family. On August 10, 1729, 20,000 people marched invaded the picture from: which was the place where the royal family was staying. These crowd, killed the royal guards and took Louis and his family to prison. This was important because this created even more friction between France and Prussia. Also, this took 100% all power from the king. -
Citizens Kill Prisoners Because of Rumours
picture from:Since the French army needed more people, French troops in Paris were sent to help them out. There were many rumours going on saying that supporters of King Louis, were planning to escape the prison and take control of the city. For various days, fearful and angry citizens, killed many victims in Paris prisons who were nobles, priests and supporters of the king. This was important because it showed how alarmed and how sick of having a king citizens were. This shows the poor way of governing. -
Monarchy is Abolished
picture from:The Legislative Assembly put aside the constitution of 1791, it removed the king, dissolved the assembly, and called for the election of a new legislature. The new governing branch called the National Convention began on September 21, 1792. It took away the monarchy and made France a republic. Men were all able to vote and to have an opportunity to be in office. Women did not yet have the right to do so. This is important because it is the end of monarchy and the start of a new type of governmen -
King Louis is Beheaded
picture from:The National Convention had taken away Louis´s power, and made him into a regular imprisoned citizen. The Jacobins accused Louis of betraying the government. The Convention found him guilty and he was sentenced to die on January 21, 1793. He was beheaded by a machine called the guillotine. This was important because one of the most remembered leaders in France died. He was the last absolute monarch and I believe one of the most well known figures in French history. -
Convention Orders Citizens to Become Part of the Army
image from:More or less when the National Convention took office, France had a victory over Austria and Prussia. But, the UK, Spain and Holland joined Austria and Prussia against France. France suffered many defeats. Since they had so many enemies, Jacobin leaders that were in the Convention urged a draft of 300,000 French citizens to join the army. This was important because it made a great impact; this draft, made the army much bigger (around 800,000 men and women -
The Reign of Terror
image from:Robespierre became the leader of the Committee of Public Security. For a year, he governed France as a dictator, which was known as “The Reign of Terror.” The main task of the Committee of Public Security was to protect the revolution from its enemies. Robespierre had the enemies tried in the morning, and in the same day guillotined. He thought that the use of terror made French citizens stick to the ideals of the Revolution. This was an important event because, Robespierre had everyone in Franc -
End of The Reign of Terror
image from:Members of the National Convention, went against Robespierre. They demanded he was arrested and executed. On July 28, 1794 was the end of the Reign of Terror after Robespierre was beheaded on the guillotine. This is important because it was the end of the radical phase in the French Revolution. -
Creation of a New Plan of Government
image from:moderate leaders from the National Convention made the third new plan of government. It put most of its power on the upper middle class and made a two house legislature and an executive body called the Directory. People in the Directory were moderates, and some corrupt. Finally, they found the right man to lead France´s armies; Napoleon Bonaparte. This was important because this new plan of government finally gave the citizens a period of order.